Xbox Live is a Scam

Thats right I said it. Ive finally took my blinders off to this. Im fed up with it. Xbox Live is nothing but an EXTORTION SCAM.

First of all what in the heck are we paying for? Just having a live membership is expensive enough for some people. But what does that give? what benefits? NONE, other then the fact you can play online. But why? I know im not paying for bandwidth, thats what ISPs are for. and PSN doesnt seem to have any issues with people playing online without a monthly fee, and if you do choose to get a PLUS membership you get free games, beta access to new titles, and tons of benefits, plus their releasing new games for free to PLUS members pretty often. And all my save info and what not is saved on my own hardrive not stored on a server somewhere, other then acheivements and such, but thats probably encoded to a textfile that doesnt take more then 20 Mb max. Then they have the nerve to charge you 10 dollars just to change your gamertag... Really?!?! 10 dollars to change a text file linked to an account?? EXTORTION!!!

Then you have DLC of course. Talk about a rip off. Paying 10-20 bucks to fix a game that got released unfinished oh and here have a couple of new maps, or a nerf here and a revamp there. When if you got the PC version of most those kinds of games, you get Fixes, updates and patches way faster, way more often, and guess what ?? Their absolutly free! I think XBOX has made a habit of releasing unfinished console titles just so they can get another 10 bucks on top of the 60 you just spent to play a game.

I tried that Zune app, 14 day free trial right? Nope instantly charged me 9.95. then after the 14 day trial, it automatically changed the auto renewal to yes, charged me again. so I took my payment info off so it couldnt do that again and steal my money right out from under my nose, then it wouldnt even let me use zune for the month worth of money it stole from me. EXTORTION!

None of the 'Free Apps' even work. Youtube signs me out of live everytime i try to use it. Still havent ever seen what the app looks like cuz i cant open it with out getting disconnected..

And it seems everytime they do a Dashboard update, they make the layout even more horrific, unorganize, non user friendly, and just over complicated for something that could be way more efficient with simplicity, if i could id perfer useing the original dashboard.

and then you got avatars... oh lord. they are awsome dont get me wrong. But they hardly give you any options to choose from as far as custimization goes. and if you want more you gotta buy it... really XBOX? dont you scam people enough. You want people to pay money for virtual clothing just to get their individuality of their presence on live. isnt microsoft makin enough money as is. I mean bill gates is pouring millions into researching genetical altering innoculations already and microsoft is the closest thing to a monopoly already, it literally owes its existence to Apple.

So what exactly are we paying for. Answer me that, in detail. "for the bandwith you use and server space" is not a legit answer. If PC games and PSN can run their own servers provided for all the world to access without haveing to pay a dime, you should be able to as well XBOX Live, Especially with all the other extras charges, and fees you scam people with your apps that arent even worth my spit on the ground, and your silly gamertag fee, and virtual clothing, and patches and updates. Even Themes Cost money....

So once again.... WHAT ARE WE PAYING FOR???

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Ugh...another one.

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your just smug cause you obviously dont know what its like to struggle.. if they want a membership fee, fine atleast provide some services and benefits with it. If you wanna charge for services and benefits and extras, fine but dont charge for a membership that gives you nothing in return.  They should do one or the other, not both. I understand they make a crap ton of money off of all of us fools that pay for it and theyd never dream of changing it with their greedy hands. but its pretty ridiculous, and an obvious rip off. the ONLY thing they have to show for it, is customer support. which isnt that much better then most. especially when 50% of the time ive called them i have to get redirected to a supervisor and wait forever cause half of them dont know what there doing...

Of course if your pretty well off, or a spoiled child, your not going to think twice about this cause you have no problem throwing money away.

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plus it took them forever to make a console that doesnt break after a month or 2 of use. im on my 4th xbox, probably 8th if you include all the times ive had to ship it in to get fixed, 2 of those times, it took well over a month to get it back, and all they were doing is resetting the motor on the disc drive, i started doing it myself until finally it quit recognizing discs were in the drive all together. I love xbox, But man do I hate the service  and the money hungry scam you have to deal with.

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Dude... Seriously... They consider your posts whining and irrelavent. Didn't you read Major Nelson's article?


Listen this is what you do, go to and file a complaint.


Many do not realize or know that Microsoft pays media partners not to show articles about them being exploited or when they become under penalty of FCC or FTC. They pay many partners like AP & Rueters & NBC to ensure that a notion about Microsoft harvesting user data never meets the public eye.


Many also do not know that Microsoft's Xbox LIVE harvests data. Small information about you that they sale to advertisers and other companies making constant REVENUE on you.
Need someone OFFCIAL TO TELL YA...  watch this video.

Small information about you is sold to companies by MICROSOFT... AND YOU PAY TO GET SURVEYED, JUST BY USING XBOX LIVE.
Isn't that insane... They need to rename the Xbox console too ... SurveyBox360 . YOU pay for the internet, you pay to be surveyed, and even if you do not pay you are still being surveyed. You also share a fraction of your bandwidth with the XBOX live cloud and YOU ARE NOT EVEN AWARE OF THAT. Even if you are a free member you share a fraction of your bandwidth, either way.


You can file a complaint against Microsoft & Xbox @  ... That organization forces companies to be fair. IF you are a US citizen.

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As far as Im concerned all Apps like Youtube, Netflix, etc should be available for Silver accounts to use, but MS should still charge a sub for online gaming.  Even if online gaming was free I would not even bother with it.  These days I dont even go online due to my console being moved to another room in my home.

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LOOK at that video.

That is called data harvesting. It can make company millions, CONSTANTLY. There is no reason at all for Users to be charged, when the person is getting surveyed when using the device.


HAVING A Xbox is placing a survey device inside a person's home. Would you want someone borrowing your internet connection OR taking notes on what you do. Would you mind using a webcam, THAT I COULD SURVEY FROM.

Did you answer NO to any or all of those... IF SO, yOU shouldn't be paying for Xbox LIVE.

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"PSN doesnt seem to have any issues with people playing online without a monthly fee"

Hmmm did you not know that the PSN was HACKED and the entire network taken offline for days?

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[quote user="Jinglez420"]your just smug cause you obviously dont know what its like to struggle.[/quote]

[quote user="Jinglez420"]Of course if your pretty well off, or a spoiled child, your not going to think twice about this cause you have no problem throwing money away.[/quote]

Well looking at your bio,i think you have other ways of throwing money away.

i bet xbox live is a million times cheaper than what you spend doing that.

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[quote user="Goku1552"]

"PSN doesnt seem to have any issues with people playing online without a monthly fee"

Hmmm did you not know that the PSN was HACKED and the entire network taken offline for days?

[/quote]This is a good point, and also M$ pays for a lot of other things with this money that you don't get on PSN. And at the end of the day it isn't a scam and it isn't over priced, so if you are too dumb to realise that then don't subscribe. But don't go complaining about it because nothing will ever change it.

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I don't think i've honestly ever met someone who is A) intelligent & B) a fan of the Insane Clown Posse.  Those 2 things are mutually exclusive from eachother.

Seriously, it all boils down to the simplistic fact:  If you don't like something, don't purchase it.  Just let your account go back to silver if you don't feel Gold is worth the money.

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Last updated April 16, 2024 Views 2,088 Applies to: