Is my 2-day communication ban justified?

As many know the console version of Valorant is coming out soon and beta codes were being sent out. I was accepted into the beta and I had 2 extra codes after giving 3 out to friends. All I did was make a group post on Apex Legends that said “Have free val codes join party for instructions” which is very kind of me rather than a crime. Someone actually got interested and started insulting me using vulgar language and I reported them, yet he didn’t get comm banned for what he did??? He messaged me later basically laughing in my face about how he saw that I reported him and then proceeded to insult me again. All I did was try to help out people who weren’t able to get their hands on a code for the game and apparently I’m violating the rules yet I see posts of people saying they are SELLING the codes which is permanently bannable but those people don’t even get communication banned on xbox. I personally find this ridiculous and there should be a way to get rid of my suspension because I 100% don’t think I deserved that.


Hi there,

no one in the forums will be able to assist with Enforcement related questions or issues. For information in regards to Enforcement please see:
 It will also show any Case Review options if applicable

As a side note, as far as I'm aware someone can't see who they were reported by.

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if you use Lfg posts for anything else but looking for people to play with, you'll get a short ban and you deserved it.

If other people breaking the rules, report, block and ignore them. The rest is the business of the enforcement team.

-= Rule Number 1: I'm always right ! Rule Number 2: If I'm not right, Rule Number 1 becomes effective automatically ! =-

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Question Info

Last updated July 4, 2024 Views 12 Applies to: