Help syncing data on my Xbox!!

I hope someone here can help me with this...

I have two xboxes in different locations.

These past few days i was using the 1st xbox and happened to be working on something important in one of my games (minecraft). Each day everything loaded perfectly, no progress was lost, i continued to play. But, as I traveled back to my 2nd xbox and loaded up the exact world, I saw that much of my progress was gone. Too much gone to continue. My 1st xbox is now too far for me to access and check to see if the world is completely corrupted on both ends.

Is there a way I can regain my progress on my 2nd xbox without having to restart?

Hey itscuso

Thank you for taking the time to post this on the Xbox Forums. We understand that you are currently experiencing difficulties with being able to sync your save data correctly.

In this instance, it is likely that you will be unable to recover the save data from the first console without first loading that game in that console once more.

This tends to happen if you have intermittent connection issues where you first had your save data, or if you are not properly exiting or closing the app before you relocate.

Its is likely that the next time that you load up your game in your fist console, the system will recognize two separate save data and will ask you which one you would like to keep, which in turn will overwrite what is already on the Cloud.

Did you receive any error code when you were loading up the world in the location that you are now? If you did, we recommend that you review the article that covers cloud error messages.

I hope this is able to clear up any confusion this might have caused.

XBF Eladio M
Microsoft Agent
Xbox Forums Moderator
"Courage is doing what you are afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you are scared. – Eddie Rickenbacker." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Question Info

Last updated August 18, 2021 Views 28 Applies to: