Flight Simulator 2020 - T.Flight HOTAS One works with everything EXCEPT "Free Flight," which is why I purchased. Makes NO sense. Suggestions please.

Had a lot of trouble downloading and then installing Flight Simulator 2020 originally and then finally got it installed after figuring out I needed to install the Xbox (beta) on my Windows PC which doesn't make a lot of sense and wasted a couple of days figuring this out but whatever Microsoft. I had a hard time finding a joystick but finally did find one at a neighboring town GameStop the Thrustmaster T.Flight HOTAS One for Xbox and PC. Installed the drivers as instructed; (didn't plug in the USB connection until it told me to,) and then updated the firmware to the latest, 1.17. Only the HAT switch for views worked and a couple of other buttons, switch the view from the cockpit to outside and back, and the exit flight. Un-installed everything including FS and re-installed, (the LONG 95GB install wait,) and then the T.Flight drivers again, (firmware was still good obviously.) In the 'OPTIONS > CONTROLS' everything is mapped and looks good and the buttons and AXIS respond as expected. While this HOTAS works perfectly fine ONLY in the Cessna 152 AND during Flight Training lessons and nowhere else makes no sense to me at all. I feel like this is a Flight Sim issue and not a Thrustmaster HOTAS driver/firmware problem because all the buttons and AXISs' work as mapped during flight training. Any suggestions and help are greatly appreciated.

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Had a lot of trouble downloading and then installing Flight Simulator 2020 originally and then finally got it installed after figuring out I needed to install the Xbox (beta) on my Windows PC which doesn't make a lot of sense and wasted a couple of days figuring this out but whatever Microsoft. I had a hard time finding a joystick but finally did find one at a neighboring town GameStop the Thrustmaster T.Flight HOTAS One for Xbox and PC. Installed the drivers as instructed; (didn't plug in the USB connection until it told me to,) and then updated the firmware to the latest, 1.17. Only the HAT switch for views worked and a couple of other buttons, switch the view from the cockpit to outside and back, and the exit flight. Un-installed everything including FS and re-installed, (the LONG 95GB install wait,) and then the T.Flight drivers again, (firmware was still good obviously.) In the 'OPTIONS > CONTROLS' everything is mapped and looks good and the buttons and AXIS respond as expected. While this HOTAS works perfectly fine ONLY in the Cessna 152 AND during Flight Training lessons and nowhere else makes no sense to me at all. I feel like this is a Flight Sim issue and not a Thrustmaster HOTAS driver/firmware problem because all the buttons and AXISs' work as mapped during flight training. Any suggestions and help are greatly appreciated.

I also determined last night that the HOTAS works with everything EXCEPT "Free Flight." There are only so many bush trips and landing challenges I can do, only so much flight training. They all work great but NOT pick a plane and fly somewhere. This has to be a Microsoft Flight Simulator issue and not a Thrustmaster problem. Cummon Microsoft get it together...

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I too have exactly the same problem described - and it's driving me daft.

It seems that it is not uncommon  and that the issue is within FS 2020 rather than my Thrustmaster HOTAS One joystick.

I have tried everything that I can think of to find a fix including re-installing FS and joystick drivers.

Does anyone have a solution for this vexing problem please?

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I too have exactly the same problem described - and it's driving me daft.

It seems that it is not uncommon  and that the issue is within FS 2020 rather than my Thrustmaster HOTAS One joystick.

I have tried everything that I can think of to find a fix including re-installing FS and joystick drivers.

Does anyone have a solution for this vexing problem please?

As I mentioned above the HOTAS works with everything; bush trips, landing challenges, flight training but NOT with "Free Flight." Because the HOTAS works great with everything EXCEPT "free flight" I am very confident it IS a flight simulator 2020 issue and not a Thrustmaster problem. If it were a HOTAS driver or firmware issue it shouldn't work at all but it does. I have been a software developer for almost 40 years and based on what I see this is a Microsoft issue. This shouldn't be that hard to fix based on what I see because it works just fine in 'parts' of the SIM but Microsoft needs to get it together and resolve this. How do we get someone from Microsoft to see this, acknowledge this, and then FIX this?

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I am in complete agreement with you about this issue Mark, I too am convinced that this is a problem within the FS 2020 architecture. It pretty much must be because when a different joystick is mapped (Speedlink Black Widow for example) the same problem occurs.

There have been a couple of suggestions for a fix to this issue, none of which work. I don't think it is such that an individual is likely to resolve satisfactorily and share the solution.

But your rhetorical question is the most important issue at the moment, " How do we get someone from Microsoft to see this, acknowledge this, and then FIX this?" I don't know.

I have been looking at ways of penetrating the boundary of Microsoft to draw their attention to the problem (as if they don't already know) but without success, which from their point of view is probably a good thing. Let's hope that this Forum will do the trick.

Many thanks for your reply which is much appreciated.

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Thanks for your input, William. The fact that a completely different joystick has the same issues confirms to me that this is a bug in FS 2020. The fact that the joysticks/HOTAS work great in parts of the SIM makes me think it should be a fairly easy fix. Maybe if enough people bring up this issue Microsoft will get a fix/patch deployed.

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Yep. Agreed. If I can get any further I'll post accordingly. Kind regards.

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Hello Mark, My joystick issue is fixed and I'm embarrassed to say that the main issue was self-inflicted. I have apologized profusely to Microsoft Zendesk staff who have been incredibly patient with an old "duffer" like me.

Trust that you have also resolved your problem. If not let me know and I'll "walk you through" my own fix to the issues.

Kind regards,


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Hello Mark, My joystick issue is fixed and I'm embarrassed to say that the main issue was self-inflicted. I have apologized profusely to Microsoft Zendesk staff who have been incredibly patient with an old "duffer" like me.

Trust that you have also resolved your problem. If not let me know and I'll "walk you through" my own fix to the issues.

Kind regards,


I have not been able to resolve my problem where my HOTAS works everywhere EXCEPT 'free flight.' I would very much appreciate your insight and help in fixing this issue, William. I would be very grateful to have you "walk me through" this issue if you are able. Thank you in advance!

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Hello Mark,

I can only tell you what I did to resolve the issues and hope it works for you too.

I decided to strip out all the drivers for elderly/obsolete/redundant controllers on my computer, including the new Thrustmaster FS 2020 drivers and firmware and all downloads.

Restart the computer and go to http://support.thrustmaster.com/   choose joysticks/ HOTAS One and download the driver/firmware package. Install the package onto the same disc as FS 2020.

Start the game and go to options/controls. There should be just the keyboard and mouse showing. Plug in the joystick and the joystick should now show as HOTAS One Default. A window will pop-up and say something like "New controller found/ accept the presets/ customize. Accept the presets (you can always customize later).

Go to "World" and program a free-flight. This is where the aircraft used to take-off and bugger-off into infinity on its own because the co-pilot is flying and in control. Use the "Active Pause" button on your keyboard... it should be the "pause" button but I later transferred it to a joystick button.

Mouse to the top of the screen and engage the menu/custom toolbar. Contrary to other posts it is OK that all the buttons are shifted right. Here's the trick. Go to the pilot's cap in the menu/ AI Control and go down to "CONTROL AIRCRAFT" and SWITCH IT OFF.

Turn off the "Pause" button and enjoy. 

What an incredible difference that made for me and I do hope that it cures the problem for you as well.

Kind regards,


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I did all the driver stuff a couple of times and I'm sure it's good because it is working correctly everywhere except free flight. What I never even thought to check was that the AI was controlling the airplane?? Why would anyone ever think that even though I select the aircraft, the departure and arrival airports, weather, etc., then press "fly now" or whatever it says that I DON'T want to fly but instead have the AI fly what I just set up?? That has to be the dumbest thing I've heard in months (and I hear a lot of dumb stuff!) I am at work but will definitely give that a try tonight. I still have no idea why that would be the default. I would think the default is to let "ME" fly and if I want the AI (Co-Pilot) to fly I select that AFTER I am in the cockpit and ready to fly but that should NOT be the default. Not sure what genius (non-pilot) decided that! And none of this is documented anywhere unless I totally missed something. Thank you again William for taking the time to point this out and I don't think you should be embarrassed at all; this one is on Microsoft. Completely backward default to "free flight" and then complicate it further but not pointing it out or making it obvious. I'll let you know what I find out. Thanks again and have a GREAT day! As my initial flight instructor told me 40 years ago, "Keep the blue side up!"

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Last updated December 31, 2024 Views 13,998 Applies to: