What to do before Movie Maker goes away (Jan 10, 2017)?

If you weren't aware, Microsoft is dropping support for Movie Maker 2012 as of January 10, 2017. While the programs will continue to run on systems where Windows Essentials is already installed, it's unlikely you'll be able to reinstall the programs if you are having issues. Obviously no further updates will be forthcoming (even if security issues or defects are found).

Before the deadline, you should definitely save a copy of the offline installer for your language just in case you need to reinstall Windows Essentials.

Microsoft has given the vague statement that Movie Maker will soon be available from Windows Store for Windows 10 users. But so far I've not seen any actual announcement of what that may be. So far I've only seen less powerful apps like Movie Moments in the store without any viable replacement.

Update: Under the question about Recommended Alternatives, Movie Maker is no longer listed. This seems to confirm that Microsoft has no immediate plans with respect to a new Movie Maker.

If any of the Support Engineers in these forums can escalate this question, we'd all like to know specifics on what that replacement will be and when it will be available. Please reply before the deadline.

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1 week to go...

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To assist you better regarding your concern with Movie maker, we suggest that you check here to learn more about Windows Essentials 2012 release notes and let us know if you have any other concerns.


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Can't see anything there about the replacement.

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I escalated End of Support issues regarding Windows Essentials 2012 (in general) to forum management in early December. I reminded them a few days ago, but no word back yet.

Disclaimer: You use my posts entirely at your own risk. I don't work for Microsoft. I am an unpaid volunteer.

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You may still obtain Windows Essentials 2012 now, although you will not be able to obtain the software in the future.


Windows Essentials 2012 contains the following programs:

     Photo Gallery

     Movie Maker

     Windows Live Writer

     Windows Live Mail


Windows Essentials 2012 (Offline Installer) wlsetup-all.exe:


Will Windows Essentials 2012 still be available for download?

Windows Essentials 2012 suite will be available for download until it reaches its end of support date on January 10, 2017.

from Release Notes on Windows Essentials 2012:



It would be wise to download and save a copy of Windows Essentials 2012 (Offline Installer) to a separate disk as a backup.

geekdom. On hiatus.
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I escalated End of Support issues regarding Windows Essentials 2012 (in general) to forum management in early December. I reminded them a few days ago, but no word back yet.

Thank you. It would be nice if Windows Essentials 2012 installers were left in place.

geekdom. On hiatus.
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The question about a replacement for Movie Maker has not been answered adequately. The release notes for Windows Essentials contain a vague statement saying, "Movie Maker will soon be available from Windows Store for Windows 10."

However, there are no details on what is meant by "soon" or what the format of that Movie Maker will be. I suppose it could be a repackaging of the Movie Maker from Windows Essentials, but that requires a lot of other stuff such as the .NET redistributables and the Photo Gallery modules for importing.

It could be a whole rewrite of Movie Maker as a Windows app, but I've not seen any indication of that. Or it could just be that Microsoft realized they don't have a migration plan for Movie Maker and they just want to put some sort of placeholder statement there.

I've provided links to the Windows Essentials offline installers above. But who knows how long they'll be available. Don't be surprised if everything disappears in less than a week and that there is no replacement for Windows Movie Maker. If that is the case, there are always other options for video editing that people might want to consider.

Movie Maker and Photo Gallery going away on January 10, 2017

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The question about a replacement for Movie Maker has not been answered adequately. The release notes for Windows Essentials contain a vague statement saying, "Movie Maker will soon be available from Windows Store for Windows 10."

There's hardware, software, and vaporware.

Many of the programs in Windows Essentials 2012 Suite are quite useful and robust.

There may not be an answer to your question.

geekdom. On hiatus.
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I will be extremely surprised to find out that Microsoft, after letting Windows Essentials languish for 4+ years has been secretly working on a new version of Movie Maker that they plan to make available in the Windows Store "soon". While it may be a cynical view, I still think they will be content to not have any Movie Maker for Windows apart from the older unsupported versions. It is sad indeed, but probably the actual reality.

Movie Maker and Photo Gallery going away on January 10, 2017

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I guess we'll know the answer in a couple days. But it just seems like a poor way to handle Movie Maker's demise without having a proper replacement. Again, I think the writing has been on the wall for awhile, but at least someone could just admit they don't have a migration path for Movie Maker.

Again, I refer people to this link:

FREE Video Editing Software: 2017 Guide

The listed programs are actually more powerful than Movie Maker including multiple video tracks, overlays, special effects, color correction, etc. but the tradeoff is ease of use. Microsoft's mantra has always been to make it an easy process to trim a few clips and photos and make a movie you can share. It hasn't been to make a professional level video editor.

Hopefully people will have some other suggestions for replacements that are free (or at least low cost) and that can quickly edit together a small set of clips and photos into a fun movie that you can share with others. At the moment, I can only think of the Google Photos app (free) that let's you do that with your photos and videos. What's neat about that program is it synchronizes the cuts from one clip to the next so it matches the beat of the song.

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