How do I remove the "insert a smart card" option from the Windows 7 logon screen?

Original title : Help Cleaning Up Windows 7 Logon Screen (aka removing unwanted logon items) 


Hello there,

I'm trying to removed the "insert a smart card" option from my windows 7 logon screen and am seeking help.

My computer (HP Elitebook 8540w if that helps at all) has one user which I want to be able to access either through a typed password or through a fingerprint scan.

I set up the password and fingerprint scan through "HP ProtectTools Administrative Console" but now whenever logging in, it also gives me the option to "insert a smart card." As I do not own a smart card or have the need to use one, I would like to disable or at least hide this option from my logon screen.

Yes, I have read and tried the information on the page

It did not seem to help and I believe it has something to do with my use of "HP ProtectTools." But because I am not sure and am not a computer expert, I have decided to post here before aimlessly messing around with my computer settings.

Thanks in advance for the help



Thank you for posting the query on Microsoft Community Forums.


It looks like you need help in disabling the smart card logon option.




To disable Smart Card Plug and Play in local Group Policy, follow these steps:



a. Click Start, type gpedit.msc in the Search programs and files box, and then press ENTER.

b. In the console tree under Computer Configuration, click Administrative Templates.

c. In the details pane, double-click Windows Components, and then double-click Smart Card.

d. Right-click Turn on Smart Card Plug and Play service, and then click Edit.

e. Click Disabled, and then click OK.





Error message when you insert a smart card in a reader on a Windows 7-based or Windows Server 2008 R2-based computer: "Device driver software was not successfully installed"


Important: This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click the windows help article below.

Back up the registry



Hope this information helps. Do get back to us if you have more queries regarding Windows.

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Hi Winston,

Your solution doesn't work on my system (windows7 enterprise) i.e it does not

remove the "insert a smart card" option from the Windows 7 logon screen

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I am seeing the same issue on Dell hardware, it appears on the Dell Precision M4800 and does NOT appear on the Dell Latitude 7440.

Both are using the exact same wim/image file delivered from SCCM 2012, Win 7 x64 Enterprise

I found this post....


Start, Run, services.msc

But I am still sorting out the root cause....

Starting the Smart Card (SCardSvr) makes no difference....

Device Manager:

Start, Run, devmgmt.msc

I see the Smart Card under Smart card readers on the M4800

Broadcom Usbccid Smartcard Reader (WUDF)

The Latitude 7440 is running the latest BIOS, I dont see any setting in the firmware/BIOS for the Smart Card.  And the drivers that are being deployed via SCCM are the latest driver cabs from Dell.


Last but not least, when I look for the Credential Providers, I see additional providers on the M4800 vs the 7440

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\Credential Providers

Group Policy:

Start, Run, gpmc.msc

Thanks to the below article

I confirmed Group Policy wasn't configuring the Smart Card.

Computer Configuration, Policies, Administrative Templates, Windows Components, Smart Card

Turn on Smart Card Plug and Play service = not configured

I also found this post....

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A melhor solução que tenho é: Desinstale o driver do Token ou Smart Card e do SafeSing e reinicie o PC. Quando reiniciar, reinstale com o cuidado de não marcar na tela de selecionar o que instalar a Opção da instalação que diz algo parecido em 64bits: Manage the credentials of computer with token/smart card. É por causa disso que tava iniciando o pc com logon Smart Card. Sem medo de mexer no Regedit, msconfig, etc. Mais seguro e tranquilo. Só lembrar de fazer isso com o token ou smart card Desconectado do PC, senão vai ter mais trabalho!

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Hi AristotelesMoura,

You have asked your question in the English language version of the Microsoft Community. Please click on the globe icon (Change Region) in the bottom left of the screen then select your preferred language. Once this is done, now ask you question again. 

Hope this information helps you.

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The solution for this case.

1. If you have a manager smart card to enable your access to digital certificate, follow the steps below. Otherwise remove all of them, especially the SafeSign.

2. If you use the SafeSign (typically used by Certdsign, etc, to provide access to digital certificate) and are logged into Windows 7, download this remover registration at this link, unzip the file and apply the registry change.

3. If you have installed SafeSign is a different version of Windows and tried to remove the file available but the key was not found or did not result in the removal of the registry, and the registry edit (type regedit.exe in the search menu in "start") and navigate to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Authentication \ Credential Providers \
Go there by clicking on the keys that appear (they are files with multiple numbers in brackets. Example: "{232,876,589,380,658}") and look for the key that has defined the word as "aetcpss1". Finding the file, right-click, delete the key. Do not delete or change any remaining keys.

4. If you have installed another digital certificate manager, unlike SafeSign, try to locate the configuration file associated with it, and following the step described above, delete the corresponding key. DO NOT ALTER OR DELETE the other keys, such as those that contain the terms "GenericProvider", "NPProvider", "VaultCredProvider", "PasswordProvider", "Smartcard Pin Provider", "WinBio Credential Provider" or "CertCredProvider".

5. Reboot and ...

...should have solved your problem.

If you have installed SafeSign, try this simple solution: completely remove the SafeSign. Install a newer version of the same. Uncheck the "Credential Provider" option. The latest versions can come with this option enabled or not. By default should already be disabled.



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Hi Milbreno,

Thank you for the reply and update.

Glad to know that you were able to fix the issue. Your efforts to resolve this issue is much appreciated.


Feel free to post your query here on Windows Forums, we would be happy to assist you.

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Dear Sir Engineer:

It is an honor to receive your lordship congratulations solution that gave the case.

Thank you very much.

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Hi AristotelesMoura,

You have asked your question in the English language version of the Microsoft Community. Please click on the globe icon (Change Region) in the bottom left of the screen then select your preferred language. Once this is done, now ask you question again. 

Hope this information helps you.


Actually Aristoteles was answering to the question... dunno why he answered in Portuguese. As his answer is the best I found so far to solve the problem I will translate it.

Uninstall your Token or Smart Card driver and SafeSign (or other Token/Smart Card admin tool)  and reboot your PC. If you need to use the Token/Smart Card for other activities, reinstall your drivers and SafeSign but be careful to not tick the option where you give the Token/Smart Card power to manage credentials of the computer. This will solve the problem and the Token/Smart Card will still work.

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Question Info

Last updated December 23, 2024 Views 92,463 Applies to: