Windows 10 Start Menu

This may be a silly question, but from all of my searching I could not find the solution anywhere else. I have just recently began using windows 10, but I prefer the look of the windows 7 start menu which is what I've been using up until now. 

This first picture is one I found online of how I would like to have my start menu look:

But this is a picture of how my start menu currently looks: 

I don't care about any of the tiles, thats why I unpinned them, but what I do want is for the text to appear next to the folders I have pinned there (documents, downloads, pictures, etc.) My only guess is that it could be due a difference in Windows versions? Currently running Windows 10 Home edition.


Your guess is correct. In previous Windows 10 builds, labels appeared next to the icons on the start menu.  So your first picture is from a previous build, your second picture is from a current build.  But you stated that you prefer the look of the Windows 7 start menu; have you looked at the free Classic Shell or the $5 Start10 download?  Either one would allow you to customize your start menu as you wish, and even return you to a very "Windows-7-ish" appearance.  Not endorsing them, but if you're not happy with your current start menu, you do have a few options.


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Last updated November 19, 2023 Views 567 Applies to: