Blue Screens, seems related to the graphics card.

My computer has had a history of crashes before but it has started back again. I seemed to fix the issue a couple months ago when clean installing the graphics driver but it seems to have returned. Can you please help me? I have the minidumps from this crash and the crashes before.

The error code was: irql_not_less_or_equal

This happened after while of gaming on Minecraft (probably over a couple hours)

Here are the minidumps from all crashes:!AtSymGlwZu7yxlcZe4BJYC27frxN?e=h8dHw7

What I have tried for the previous crashes two months ago:

Memory test: All clear (ran with all tests 2 times)

Checked SSD and HDD SMART: all good

Clean installed graphics driver: Seemed to fix things until now.

Ran driver verifier: Made my pc restart but no error code.

Ran Sfc/scannow and disp: Both said no corruption.

I at this point don't know what is causing it and ran out of ideas. I'd perfer not to reinstall windows unless I have to. 


I'm your Windows expert for today. Let's work together and arrive at a solution!

Please answer the following questions so we have a better idea of what might be happening:
1. What's the graphics card you're using?
2. Does this only happen in Minecraft, or does this also happen to any game you play?
3. Since clean installing the driver for the graphics card, did you install the most recent drivers for it?

Also, please send a screenshot of Device Manager with "Display adapters" showing the graphics device/s, if possible, so I can check.

Hope to hear from you soon.

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Thanks for your reply! I get bluescreens seemingly at random. Usually it takes a couple hours for it to happen. It isn't exclusive to Minecraft. I have had it crash just on the desktop before.

My graphics card is the Gigabyte Geforce GTX 1060 6gb Windforce OC.

I clean installed with the latest verison at the time. 

Here is a picture. 

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Graphics cards that have gone rogue can cause a PC to crash. These crashes can be varied, from a simple bluescreen to a “lockup” (where the PC freezes up but doesn't show a bluescreen), to random restarts and powering off.

I would recommend you to check the hardware first before messing with the software.

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I see. How often did the blue screen appear over the past 24 hours?

You can try installing an earlier version of the driver instead of the latest one and see if the blue screen errors occur.

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How would I test that? I don't have an extra graphics card or intergrated graphics.

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I haven't used my computer in a while. The last time I had a crash was in Jaunary.

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Maybe there was a problem with the driver installed If the last crash was from a couple of months ago. I suggest installing the latest drivers for your graphics card through the Nvidia GeForce Experience app, then test if the crashes occur and if the games work well.

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Okay. I can do that. It will be a while before I can confirm that fixed it.

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Sure. Just tell me whatever the results.

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Last updated June 12, 2020 Views 33 Applies to: