Black screen with cursor on login and can't reset or restore Windows

I've been having some major issues with my Windows 10 PC the last couple of days.

On Friday I tried turning on my PC, which booted as normal, got to the log in scree, but once it logged into the user, the screen was black with on a cursor visible. ctrl alt delete works, however if I click task manager it just takes me back to the black screen. win + L takes me to the log in, and i tried logging into another user, but still have the same problem. Saw some people suggest shift+ restart but that did nothing. I have tried pretty much every suggestion online (putting it to sleep then waking it up, etc etc) and nothing works, so I figured I should just restore the PC to a previous version.

I tried restoring to a previous version, after a few percent into the reset, it says it can't be completed. I tried resetting but keeping my files, same issue. I tried a complete Windows restore, again same issue. 

Tried a couple of suggestion more through command prompt like doing some checks of clusters(?) and what not and I got the following issue:

Looking for bad clusters in user file data...

Windows replaced bad clusters in files 29949 of name \Users\Name\Videos\00668 a.MTS

A disk read error occuredc0000185

The disk does not have enough space to replace bad clusters

detected in file 561248 of name \SYSTEM~1\(EFB91~1.

1328112 files processed.

File data verification completed.

An unspecified error occurred (75736e6a726e6c2e 4f8)

Failed to transfer logged messages to the event log with status 50.

After that I exited and tried resetting again. Still didn't work so I tried another command prompt fix someone suggested:

cd %windir%\system32\config

ren system system.001

ren software software.001

The response I get is "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process"

I am REALLY stumped here, and I can't figure out why this happened. I didn't do anything in particular the night before this happened, just used photoshop a little. I am now trying to use the media creation tool to try to completely reinstall Windows 10 on my PC, from my laptop, however even here I am running into issues "There was a problem running this tool. We're not sure what happened, but we're unable to run this tool on your PC. If you continue experiencing problems, reference the error code when contacting customer support. Error code: 0x80042405 - 0xA0019"

I am really desperate here. I can't afford to get a new computer (at most maybe a new hard drive if that is the issue) but any fix, even if I lose all my files would be greatly appreciated. Even a point in the right direction on what could be causing all these issues. I have an external hard drive reader thing I can put my hard drive into to manually remove or fix any problem files, I'm just not sure where I would even need to look.


Thanks for the response!

I actually tried a few other things out, and managed to fix my problem in a different way from what is suggested in the reply.

I reformatted my 16GB USB drive, at which point the media creation tool downloaded onto it correctly. I then booted that drive on my PC, and instead of trying to repair or restore, I just clean installed Windows 10 again. During the installation, when choosing drivers, I deleted all the partitions, and made new ones to fully clean out the PC.

After doing that it all just installed and worked fine. :)

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Question Info

Last updated October 25, 2023 Views 413 Applies to: