Sign in with a Microsoft account Error

when I write all necessary information to sign in with Microsoft account      

Oops, something went wrong

whatever happened, it was probably our fault, Please try again

But it doesn't have use to try again.

Thank you for posting in Microsoft community. I will certainly assist you with the issue.
To assist you better, please provide few details:
1. Did you make any changes prior to this issue?
2. Did you try signing into other account(if any)?
Please ensure the your typing the correct password and the caps lock is on or off in your keyboard settings and check if it helps.
I suggest you to Microsoft account troubleshooter and check if it fixes the issue:
Hope this helps. Get back to us with the above information to assist you further.

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I run Microsoft account troubleshooter.

       it can't fix the issue                     I tried  but problem still exist..

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I have tried to sign into other account.

the problem still has

My computer have a wrong period,I reload win10, but the account can't sign in anymore

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We sincerely regret the delay. I understand the inconvenience and frustration you are going through. I will certainly help you with the issue.
Please provide the following information for better understanding of the issue:
1. When exactly do you get this error? When you try to log in to your pc using Microsoft account or when you access any app?
2. Do you get this error while trying to access the store?

3. Did you log into your system using Microsoft account?

If no, then I suggest you to log out of the current user account, restart the system and log into Microsoft account and check if it helps.

If the issue still persist, I suggest you to open a webpage and check if you can sign in with the Microsoft account.

Since you say "My computer have a wrong period", you may also want to check if the date, time and time zone has been set correctly.
Hope this helps. Get back to us if you need further assistance with windows. We are happy to assist you.

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Why not try to repeat the error.

Try to set up a new user in your own environment to see if it happens to you instead of answering a question with more questions. Which is really not an answer at all and is very frustrating.

You want feedback at Microsoft?

If it's not intuitive it needs work.

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Question Info

Last updated February 22, 2020 Views 459 Applies to: