Rocketfish Keyboard

I have a rocketfish blue tooth keyboard that suddenly quit working. I have changed the batteries. No help. I changed the batteries again. Still no help. I moved the usb receiver to a different usb port, still no help. I went into my bluetooth devices and it shows the keyboard is connected. I disconnected the keyboard and reconnected to it. Still nothing.

In looking at the rocketfish manual, it states that if it is flashing green, your keyboard is pairing. If it is flashing red, the battery power is low. I can't find anything in their manual that says anything about flashing red, then green, alternately.

Would love some help on this? I am clueless at this point. Thanks so much

Hi Paula,

One common reason why your third-party mouse doesn't work with your computer is due to compatibility issue. To have this checked, we suggest that you use a different bluetooth-enabled mouse to your computer. Also, try connecting the mouse in question to different computers and observe if they do the same thing.

Let us know what happens after the suggestions given.

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Thanks John:

Actually my third party mouse (logitech) was working just fine and have never had an issue with it. I did, however, disconnect my mouse to see if it would pair again and it worked fine each time I tried it. My issue was the rocketfish keyboard. I have had the rocketfish keyboard for over a year without any issues until it just started acting up a week or so ago. I would lose my bluetooth connection and reboot the compuer and everything would be fine. About 10 days ago the keyboard just quit working altogether, so I tried disconnecting the device several times and reconnecting, changed the batteries 3 times, The dongle turned blue like it was working, but the pairing would never happen. Gave up today and bought a new Logitech keyboard and mouse that came with it. Done in a about 3 seconds. Everything working great now. The keyboard has a strange feel to me, but I'll get used to that. At least it works.

Thanks again for trying to help me out. I do appreciate your help.


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Question Info

Last updated June 15, 2024 Views 134 Applies to: