Can't delete a file on Windows 10, says I need permission from administrator but I am administrator


I have a bit of a problem in Windows 10. I have a file from Cyberlink PowerDirector 14 that I want to delete but it says that I need permission from the administrator but I am. I also wanted to change the permissions in Properties and than the Security tab but it told me I can't because I am not an administrator. Help?

Specs of computer:

  • Latest version of Windows 10 Home (not insider)
  • Acer Aspire 5
  • Windows defender Protected Folder (Ransomware protection) on
  • Installation less then 14 days old

Help please?

** Sorry if this is in the wrong section, I have no idea where to put it**

Hi Peter

First, try uninstalling from the actual full Administrator account.

Open Start
Type: cmd
Right click CMD
Click Run as administrator

At the command prompt, type:
net user administrator /active:yes

Hit Enter

Close command prompt, restart, then try signing into the Administrator account.

Try uninstalling again.

If that does not work, use Revouninstaller:

How Do I Completely Uninstall Software On Windows? - groovyPost

Information in the above link is sourced from a trusted Microsoft MVP Blog.
Best regards,
Andre Da Costa
Independent Advisor for Directly

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Thank. I will try that.
Peter Strouhal Jr.

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Question Info

Last updated March 9, 2023 Views 2,105 Applies to: