Outlook inbox not showing latest recent emails

After my recent upgrade to Win8.1, my Outlook inbox started having a weird symptom. When I select accounts setting to download emails for a limited period of time eg. "last month", my recent and latest emails will be shown in the Inbox. If however I select download emails for "any time", the most recent email shown in my Inbox will be 9th Oct. I tried to switch between the settings many times, and it keeps repeating the same problem. I restarted windows, same problem. I sent a new test email to my hotmail account. Same problem. The irony is that I even received a new email notification but my Inbox still does not show the new email when I select download emails from "any time" setting.

I used my Win XP PC and everything works fine! Seems like WIn8.1 is messing up Outlook ...

This may also be related to several users saying they have not been receiving emails lately ??

Separately, when I try to access my outlook folders (set up prior to win 8.1 upgrades), it will first show it is empty, then it shows "couldn't sync messages", then after a while it will show "no messages" and then after few more minutes, all the emails in the folder will show up. Though still able to access the mails eventually, it is really a nuisance ....


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Hi Melvin,


Thank you for bringing the issue to our attnetion.


I understand that you are having problem viewng and receiving emails from your account after you've upgraded to Windows 8.1. Let us see how I can help.


We would like to ask a few questions so we can isolate the issue that you are encountering. Please reply with the answers to the following questions:


• Does this happen when you try accessing your account from the same computer with a different browser?

• Have you tried it on a different computer?


For us to review and investigate your concern, we’ll be asking you to provide the affected email address on the Private Message that I’ve created for you. Kindly click on "You have a private reply to this message" link just above your post to view the message. Note that you need to be signed in to the Microsoft Community to view the link.


Once you have provided the above information, we will be able to have a deeper look on this. In the meantime, please check your mail/filter settings by following the instructions provided on the article below. Kindly confirm if you've already tried to check all of those settings. 


I'm not receiving emails sent by my family or friends


The additional information you’ll provide will help us investigate the issue and facilitate our next actions. We look forward to working with you to resolve this issue.



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Hi Jeffrey,

• Does this happen when you try accessing your account from the same computer with a different browser?

- Actually I wasn't accessing my account from a browser. I was accessing my email from the MAIL icon from the START screen.
- After your reply, I tried using a browser to access the hotmail, it looks ok but having said that, in the browser format, I wasn't able to find the option to show only the last month's or last week's email only.
- When displaying ALL emails without a time limiting factor, I have no problems even with the current email  system.
• Have you tried it on a different computer?
- No I do not have another Win8.1 computer.

The link you provided to check the settings are actually irrelevant in this case. It was meant for browser access. And in my case, the mails are actually coming in (I mentioned I even received email notifications). It's just that they are not showing up in the inbox when I select to view ALL emails.


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I am having a similar problem, but it is not with Outlook.com.  It is with Office 2013's Outlook.  I have upgraded two devices to Windows 8.1: my desktop, and my Surface Pro.  I use Outlook of Office 2013 on my desktop.  On my Surface, I had disabled the Mail app because it didn't work right with my GMail account.

After installing 8.1 on my Surface, I thought I would give the new Mail App a try.  It seemed to be working correctly, until what I noticed today.  It appears that any e-mails I see in the Mail app on my Surface then do not show up at all in Office Outlook on my desktop.

Checking Gmail itself in the browser, the e-mails are still there in the Inbox, but Office Outlook refuses to sync those messages.

I am totally baffled why 8.1's Mail app on one device would screw up what was working perfectly in Office Outlook.

It's quite frustrating that Microsoft can't seem to get this right... it's EMAIL what could be easier?


Frustrated MS Fanboy
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Hi Mark, have u tried changing the download email option to last 1 month or 1 week? In my case, all the latest mails will show up, but once I select download all historical emails, the recent ones disappear,


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Hi Melvin,

I believe I have discovered that Windows Mail is attempting to keep the messages sync'd across my devices.  Thus, if I see an e-mail in Mail on my Surface, it will not show up in Outlook on my desktop, though it does show up in the Mail app on my desktop.  This is really creating a major fuster cluck because I have no idea what e-mail is where.

At first I thought, "Okay, I will just use the Mail App on my desktop and my Surface."  However, there is a big difference in functionality between Mail and Outlook, not to mention all of my messages from the past are already in Outlook.  I tried switching for two days but conclude that's not going to work well for me.

My only option is to disable the Mail app on both the Surface and the desktop and continue to not get my messages on the Surface.  That is what I have been doing on the Surface since I bought it in February, but I was hoping 8.1 would fix the issue.  It fixed the issues I was having originally, but has created this new problem.

I have ONE Microsoft account.  Why they cannot make my e-mail work properly defies explanation.  Being a very tech-savvy person, I find this maddening.

My suggestion to Microsoft: Using our account log-in, allow users to see ALL of our e-mail from whichever device and whichever Microsoft App (Office Outlook was by Microsoft last I checked) that we want!  Why can't Outlook and Mail sync with each other on the same device?? And please do not tell me to use Outlook.com.  I tried that when it was launched and really lost my place as to which e-mail was where because Outlook.com does NOT sync with Outlook the program!


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i was using my hotmail email account on my laptop through the microsoft outlook 2007. i tried to shift to a PC and configured the same email account to the outlook on the PC. when my outlook was getting synced to my hotmail account it started downloading all the email on my hotmail account to my PC. but for some strange reason my inbox on my outlook now has more emails than my hotmail account. on the other hand the emails in the smaller folders i created on my hotmail account dont seem to be getting downloaded. i am not understanding what seems to be the problem.

please advice.


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I have outlook express 2013 and windows 8.1 I am having the same problem you are. I see the email alerts but no email reaches my inbox. but I think as I delete messages I have read new ones may arrive

Really makes me mad to as I am very tech savvy

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I was able to resolve this by removing my accounts from the Windows Mail program.  It seemed that when Mail was trying to sync, then the emails no longer show up in Outlook.  As soon as I removed the Windows Mail accounts, the emails came through fine again in Outlook.

Mistake on Microsoft's part, having the two programs conflict.  They need to realize many (or most) users of Windows also use Office and Outlook.

Hope that helps.


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I am having this problem as well now June 14 please give me simple instructions  on how to resolve it. I need to use  email on different devices for my work.

Thank you

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Hello I have found that when setting up outlook express 2013 you need to go into account settings
click on your account

then click change now click more settings then click advanced.

At the bottom of the displayed box under delivery make sure you untick the box keep email on server.

what seems to have happened is when i use outlook even my deleted mails are staying on the servers system which backs up and starts to block incoming emails.

My email now works great

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Last updated November 9, 2023 Views 192,086 Applies to: