Borderless Gaming and forced Vsync/Triple Buffering

How can you call Windows 10 the ultimate gaming OS when you have nonsense like this implemented into it? people say it's the DWM, and since we can't disable it like we could in Windows 7 (aero) we are stuck with a terrible borderless experience because of input lag.

I don't want to play my games in Fullscreen, I need to use borderless as I have multiple monitors.

You would think paying $300 NZD I could actually get something I want out of an OS... 

You're whistling into the wind here mate. This is a community forum and in spite of some people having

fancy titles such as 'support engineer' no one here holds any sway with the Grand Poobah's at MS central.

They can't hear you, and don't really care.

 EDIT:  Scrap that. I mis-read your post. I thought you were being forced to use borderless, and

I was off on a slightly different issue of screen scaling.

Not being a competitive on line gamer I probably wouldn't notice input lag unless it was serious.

I can say that DWM uses very little resources on my machine, so I wouldn't have thought it would cause input lag.

I just ran BF4 - 64 players on the server. Borderless, max settings, and with my second monitor running with

Task Manager and two browsers open + Origin and the BF4 browser,  and DWM only used 2.4 cpu max.


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You're whistling into the wind here mate. This is a community forum and in spite of some people having

fancy titles such as 'support engineer' no one here holds any sway with the Grand Poobah's at MS central.

They can't hear you, and don't really care.

 EDIT:  mis-read your post. Thought you were being forced to use borderless. I was off on a slightly different

issue of screen scaling.

I don't know why DWM would be causing a problem. It uses very few resources on my machine.

If I use my second monitor to display Task Manager, and two browsers while running a game

(Watch Dogs max settings w/GTX980) on the main monitor DWM only uses 90MB RAM and 0 - 0.2 cpu.


Its weird I'm also using a 980gtx and I have no fps issues whatsoever it's just a really slight input delay on the mouse

it feels like forced sync or triple buffering

problem goes away in fullscreen

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Oops - I went to check BF4 (using borderless) and did about 20 re-writes and didn't notice you had posted back

(scatter brain poster :D ).

I very much doubt V-sync or Triple buffering is being forced.

( Apparently V-sync can cause a bit of input lag, but Triple Buffering is supposed to sort that out)

If you are not seeing high cpu use from DWM in Task Manager while playing I don't think it would be

the cause of the lag either.

My understanding is FPS and input lag aren't directly related.  Are you using the same monitors and cables

as when you were using Win7 ?

Other than input lag via the monitor, I don't know what the cause would be, and again,

I wouldn't really notice a slight delay in the mouse. My reactions are not young enough  ;) .


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Oops - I went to check BF4 (using borderless) and did about 20 re-writes and didn't notice you had posted back

(scatter brain poster :D ).

I very much doubt V-sync or Triple buffering is being forced.

( Apparently V-sync can cause a bit of input lag, but Triple Buffering is supposed to sort that out)

If you are not seeing high cpu use from DWM in Task Manager while playing I don't think it would be

the cause of the lag either.

My understanding is FPS and input lag aren't directly related.  Are you using the same monitors and cables

as when you were using Win7 ?

Other than input lag via the monitor, I don't know what the cause would be, and again,

I wouldn't really notice a slight delay in the mouse. My reactions are not young enough  ;) .

It's a known issue and it does force triple buffering,

common problem with 8 and 10. You can see the difference by switching from full to borderless 

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Yeah ! I admit that not having used three monitors I don't know the peculiarities that come with that setup ,

and can't  adequately experiment, but I thought I'd do some fishing around anyway (to learn more about the issue). 

All I can do is run the game on two screens without spanning, and there is no input lag in this case,

but of course this is not a proper comparison.

I'd always thought disabling AERO was only suggested for people who didn't have adequate system RAM,

but I'd always used the Classic theme anyway. As you've said, no such luck disabling DWM with Win10 though.

- It's looking like this issues may be linked to Windows commandeering screen scaling after all.

That may explain why DWM can't be disabled as it could with Win7 ?

Gamers need Win10 to put full graphics control back on the gpu drivers. Maybe a proper Win10 'Gamer Special'

version. Stuff this connect a bunch of 'devices' BS. Put in an on/off switch for DRM Blocking too.

Cheers - BD


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Last updated October 5, 2021 Views 331 Applies to: