hi to all people have problem with windows 8.1 mail app
after all I have found the solution for this annoying problem
here is steps
1- close your email from task bar
right click on the taskbar go to task manager
in processors tab you can see your mail
right click on it and press end task
2- go to control panel click on windows firewall
then click on advanced settings and go to outbound settings from right click on
new rules
select program and click next in next step select this program path
and browse
go to C:\Windows\System32
and find WWAHOST.exe click on it and open it
click next and press Allow the connection and press next and next
at the end write name as MAIL for your permission
and press finish
the last change is you should go to windowsfirewall and click on
Allow an app or feature through windows firewall click on change settings
in bellow click on Allow another app and browse open again WWAHOST.exe
to let the app go through the firewall then select
private and public
that's all sorry for my bad English
and this is my E-mail : *** Email address is removed for privacy ***
for more question