Windows 11 Hacked - Fileless Malware : how do I block incoming requests through bluetooth/wifi at the login screen?

My main question is does anyone know how to block incoming requests through bluetooth/wifi at the login screen?

I have been getting hacked this past year.

My router is Wi-Fi 6. I am not getting hacked though the router.

I am getting hacked through bluetooth or wifi-direct.

I have a windows 11 home single language operating system.

I am being hacked through fileless malware and using dcom and wmi scripts to access my machine.

E.g. WinHttpAutoProxySvc is disabled in services, but it still says running. If I logoff and login, Services.msc still says disabled but the WinHttpAutoProxySvc is running.

The service stop button is disabled - this means that I cannot stop it manually anymore.

I cannot use: sc stop WinHttpAutoProxySvc - It gives me an access denied message.

In the past I was able to stop the service manually and now I can only disable it - not that it helps because the service still runs.

Windows defender and microsoft updates are updated to the latest version.

I have bitdefender as an antivirus solution - but because this is a home pc, the fileless malware and the default settings of windows - Malware is received during the installation of the pc.

After the script runs I manually update gpedit.msc and disable remote shell and windows remote management.

The hackers usually turn off my internet by deleting my network adapter.

When I run the script attached - it stops the hacking only for a little while

until the the pc restarts or logs off to the login screen.

If it logs off - then HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Schema appears and my internet access is blocked.

I set my pc to never sleep.

Some how my pc logs off. the time it takes to log off changes.

It can take 1 minute, i.e. every minute it attempts to log off

or anything between that minute and 3 hours, i.e. every 3 hours it attempts to log off.

Sometimes my pc just restarts, I have no way of stopping the restart - If my pc restarts like this:

-My internet access is removed and my task bar is disabled.

-I cannot right click on any icon.

-The search bar on the taskbar does not accept any characters.

-I cannot click on the start button or the widgets button.

-The entire right side is hidden:

--No language icon

--No Network, Sound or battery icon

--No Date Time.

This forces me to reset my device.

My script seems to be working - but I noticed that they require my pc to go to the login screen and this is when they hack me.

Does anyone know how to block incoming requests through bluetooth/wifi at the login screen?

The attacks get less when I delete all subkeys in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Schema

the subkeys are wcm://

and I then set all the permissions to read only for this Schema registry key.

Please see my script that I am using below.

I Download Windows Media Creation Tool from

Direct Link -

The script can be found here ->

Thanks for your time

Hello Russ,

Thank you for using Microsoft products and posting to the community.

I understand how worrying and distressing the current situation is for you, and it is completely understandable to feel concerned when your privacy is violated. However, script writing and other related issues are beyond the support scope of Answers Community, and I'm sorry I can't offer you further advice. But your question is more suitable for publishing on Microsoft Learn (English only), which is aimed to support advanced users (like you).

Here is a link to the forum where you can raise specific scenarios and share your idea to help solve the problem. You can click on "Ask a question", there are experts who can provide more professional solutions in that place. 

Windows 11 - Microsoft Q&A

I won't be able to help you, but I'll leave that question open in case one of our amazing volunteers has ideas for you. 

Your understanding is highly appreciated! Hope you are keeping safe and well. 


Mavis - MSFT | Microsoft Community Support Specialist

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Question Info

Last updated April 24, 2024 Views 860 Applies to: