Windows 11 Desktop Shortcut Icons will not load URL ICO Files

Windows 11 Desktop Shortcut Icons will not load URL ICO Files

For instance using intune to deploy desktop shortcuts, both SYSTEM or USER and they load and appear just fine in Windows 10.

Upgrade or Fresh install a Windows 11 System and login, the shortcuts load but have no icons.

When you browse in properties it says it can't find the ico but you can open the same path on the same computer using edge and it loads fine. (Just the shortcut cant load web based icons. )

Using this method to load the shortcuts.

Creating desktop shortcuts with Intune - nicolonsky tech

Again works in Windows 10, only after the upgrade to 11 the shortcuts don't seem to be able to read Web based ico files.

- I can change it to a ico file located on the system or a NAS, just nothing with a http or https address. Is this due to IE being removed from Windows 11 and Explorers dependency not being updated to edge?

I can change it to a ico file located on the system or a NAS, just nothing with a http or https address. Is this due to IE being removed from Windows 11 and Explorers dependency not being updated to edge?

Correct, URL shortcuts created with Edge simply show the Edge logo.

Shawn "Cmdr" Keene | Microsoft MVP 2010-2024 | | tweet: @CmdrKeene
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I can change it to a ico file located on the system or a NAS, just nothing with a http or https address. Is this due to IE being removed from Windows 11 and Explorers dependency not being updated to edge?

Correct, URL shortcuts created with Edge simply show the Edge logo.

Yes, but in windows 10 you could assign the "-IconFile "URL"" and it would place the icon that's located at your site url in the icon file on client machines when deployed via Intune / Auto Pilot.

So you can no longer use the -iconfile URL option?

Is there another way to do this with powershell or Intune?


I guess I can look for or create a script that copys the Icon files from URL into a folder on the system then link the icons to that folder. The issue is creating icons on their desktop when Full Azure Joined Devices are remote.

Hum I wonder if you could use a wget from git directory?


Is there a better way to create shortcuts with icons in Azure / Intune?

EDIT 2: Okay I foudn that you can link the icons from a ODFB Sharepoint site thats sync to the local client.

Working now on finding a way to auto Sync the Sharepoint Folder to Allusers onedrives.

I did find you can sync the folder and it creates the same path in the users, and with intune auto deploy it auto syncs onedrive and logs in, so I can do a Check for if the file exists then skip, else create icon file in the user path, since its a link to sharepoint I can set it to read only so the users can not delete it, even if its in their Onedrive, and with the check if the field exists if the user unsyncs the folder location in anyway then it will auto create the sync and auto fix the desktop icons.

When I get this all worked out Ill post the final results and steps.


Intune Does have a option to have Onedrive Link Either at Device or user level a sharepoint file, however it does link but wont load any information until you right click and view online then it loads the icons into the folder. The Folder does work for icons if its loaded, however it also is duplicating the folder currently and breaking the icons link. So Still working on this...

Side note the other ways I tried are:

Edge icon is incorrectly shown for URL shortcut on Start menu - Browsers | Microsoft Docs

- Using msedge_proxy seemed to help but didnt resolve the issue, but got rid of a few explorer.exe errors at login.

Copy-Item (Microsoft.PowerShell.Management) - PowerShell | Microsoft Docs

- Used to Copy icons from NAS to local system, but I want to discontinue NAS so not practical here but may help someone else.

ForEach ($File in $UNC) {

  $Compare = $Local | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $File.Name }

  If ($Compare -and $Compare.LastWriteTime -gt $File.LastWriteTime) {

    Copy-Item -Path $File.FullName -Destination $Path -Force


OneDrive and SharePoint - Mass distributing file to specific student - Microsoft Community

-Game Me more insight on syncing and getting the ID's I needed for powershell.


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Last updated July 30, 2024 Views 3,251 Applies to: