Windows 10 corrupted my BIOS

When Windows 10 was first released and made available to the public I was one of the first to try to upgrade. I didn't care about all the negative feedback it had received, I was willing to give Windows 10 the benefit of the doubt.

For many months, Windows 10 worked fine for me. Even better than Windows 8 at the beginning. Now I feel so stupid, defeated and done fixing what Microsoft seems to be destroying on a daily basis.

Using Windows today means that you have to sacrifice a functioning computer. If it's an update that was released way before it was REALLY stable or you just encounter a bug that just didn't rear its ugly head before.

Today I put my computer to sleep like I always do because I want to get back to work quickly, to have all my programs open when I return. Instead of being able to get back to work in less than a minute, what do I see once again. Black screens after waking my computer from sleep. This has happened at least five times already, in the span of more than three months.

Wiggle the mouse for a few seconds, that should help. Right? Nope. Usually I see the mouse, but this time the displays didn't even wake from the power saving mode. What am I supposed to do at this point? Nothing I can think of other than hold down the power button to make my PC shut down and then reboot. Hopefully I will get back to work soon.

What's this? BIOS says my computer can't boot properly? Ah, just ignore that, I close it and reboot. 

I see the Windows booting screen. Windows seems to start up, but I see the update message; "Windows is installing an update". Fair enough.

Few minutes later the computer needs to restart.

I see the BIOS splash screen, after which I'm greeted with one of the most gruesome sights any PC owner never wants to see:

The Main BIOS is corrupted.

Thanks Windows 10. Thanks Microsoft. If my computer would've happened to be a few years older then my BIOS would be toast.

If you didn't know, Windows 10 saves your license to the UEFI, so that means they can alter your BIOS and this CAN happen because of Windows 10.

Windows 10 was released unfinished, not ready to be used by end users. And it was bascially forced on people, like a plague. Something you do not want. This is destroying the workstations of your loyal customers, and you're constantly churning out unfinished, untested and BROKEN updates that make using our computers a pain.

Why should I, as a Windows user, SACRIFICE the usability of my OWN computer? One of the latest updates broke gaming on multi-screen setups. Fix for that? Use single screen. Is that in any way fair to the users?

Was it really worth firing all the employees that did invaluable work testing the updates and features before you unleash **** on all who dare use Windows? Well, to Microsoft it probably was. At the end of the day, nothing is more important to them than turnout and revenue.

This needs to change. It's not fair to always have to be on your toes when you see that Windows wants to reboot to install updates. You can't know if this one is going to destroy your computer, throw you off track and make it impossible to work anymore.

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I like Win 10.

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I've encountered the same problem but not during an update, during working on Adobe After Effects CC. Windows gave me an blue screen of death saying that my computer have encountered an error a'd need to restart, but it won't (no video signal on both gpu and mobo). Since one month, I've tried everything possible to start when I discover that Windows have simply destroy my bios !

The only way i'be found to fix it is to use my mobo warranty and buy a new one and tru to find a solution to reactivate windows license.

I'm with you in this problem...

Hope it helps.

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Discussion Info

Last updated December 18, 2023 Views 2,932 Applies to: