Windows 10 Breaks External Hard Drive???

Hi there. I decided to go with a clean install of Windows 10, so I had all my music/files/documents/photos etc. saved on a 500GB External Hard Drive. upon reaching the Windows 10 desktop after installation, I proceeded to transfer some of my files over from the external hard drive. An error appeared that said something along the lines of "F:\ is corrupted and unreadable". I've tried using the chkdsk command, and two different data recovery tools. since then, I've reverted back to Windows 8.1 and now it's telling me to format the disk. Nothing seems to work and I feel all of my important backed up data is gone. Has anyone else had ANY experience like this and can shed some light?

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Hi there. I decided to go with a clean install of Windows 10, so I had all my music/files/documents/photos etc. saved on a 500GB External Hard Drive. upon reaching the Windows 10 desktop after installation, I proceeded to transfer some of my files over from the external hard drive. An error appeared that said something along the lines of "F:\ is corrupted and unreadable". I've tried using the chkdsk command, and two different data recovery tools. since then, I've reverted back to Windows 8.1 and now it's telling me to format the disk. Nothing seems to work and I feel all of my important backed up data is gone. Has anyone else had ANY experience like this and can shed some light?

Hi Justin,

I wish I could help. I mostly just wanted to tell you and others having the same issue know that you're not crazy. It destroyed two drives I had important information on. It's very telling, and not at all surprising that Microsoft hasn't replied to your post.

When a forced Windows 10 update destroyed my keyboard and hogged all my hard drive space {and eventually crashed the computer altogether}, I tried removing files I really needed to keep to external drives. Silly me, I thought duplicating the backups would ensure they'd be protected.

I did find one good recovery program at I downloaded both editions and they worked very well. I can't vouch for their validity or safety, but neither caused malware or other issues when I used them.

You can only recover one gigabyte for free, but the price seemed reasonable in terms of its effectiveness and ability to recover more data.

I ended up having to buy a new computer when there's absolutely wrong with the old one except Windows 10 corruption. It's incredibly frustrating! The new one is no better in terms of functionality and hogging resources. It's completely ridiculous!!

I know it's been awhile since you asked the question. I hope this helps a little.

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I ended up having to buy a new computer when there's absolutely wrong with the old one except Windows 10 corruption. It's incredibly frustrating! The new one is no better in terms of functionality and hogging resources. It's completely ridiculous!!

You probably wasted your money. If the existing hardware was fine except for a crashed drive (that Win10 wasn't responsible for BTW if it was a physical error), then a simple drive replacement and reinstall of the OS was all that was required. And if the drive hadn't really developed any physical errors then a simple format and reinstall would have fixed it.

Also, how did a Windows update "destroy" your keyboard, of all things?

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just discovered by dell review of my machine that my Seagate st2000dm001 in a dell all in one 2710 2015 after installing windows 10 update at first launch free caused at first constant boot up issues and just recently when I did the latest edition update forced on you the drive then failed - as dell says go back to window 7 - cost to me 5 days loss work plus 240 pounds for new hard drive and a back ward step never mind all the data loss.

if I lived in usa and was not a semi retired old man we could afford to sue  but little guys always take the brunt - Microsoft should be ashamed. 

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Last updated June 16, 2022 Views 536 Applies to: