Windows 10 & 8 Worst OS EVER Been made from Microsoft . Shame on you to Destroy Windows History

Hello .

This is Just an opinion and open discussion explain how's Microsoft destroyed all the projects , The specific question is why bill gates accepted to release this kind of Garbage called Windows 10
I Know Many Developers or old users of Windows OS complained a lot about how Ugly its ,So its quite difficult to explain how windows 8.1 & 10 are the Worst operating systems ever been designed in Third generation ...
Since 2003 i used windows 1998 - Me - XP - Vista - 7 - 8 - 10 . I discovered that windows 10 & 8 are really rubbish , it means the developers didn't improved anything just made it even worse ...

The most horrible Part of Windows 8 & 10 '''' START MENU '''' ( Millions of people submitted claims to remove it )
***In Windows 7 and old versions ,The Start Menu was usable and friendly to response easy with functions including all windows accessories and programs of course with pretty cool colors .
Old versions of windows supported to customize whatever you want like '''Colors -Adding useful Widgets - easy to use ''' instead of making everything complicated ..

In windows 8 ,Microsoft REMOVED all the functions and killed Start Menu Replaced by stupid Ugly Worthless APPS !!!! Lets talk about how idiot are they !!!
In new Generation  Microsoft added these stupid Tiles in start menu :
Weather 0_O ? : Who's gonna use weather if you already have it in your Phone or google ???
calendar 0_o ?? : The calendar is already at down right of desktop screen ??
Sports !!!! : Yes developers and gamers using PC because they love watching sports !! Thank you Microsoft for being Dumb in some situations

Amazon !?? : More Ads
ebay : More Ads
News ! : people use MSN & TV to watch news with Full details
Mail : Useless App , Does not include any functions . We use website mails better than this trash
XBOX !? '**** is this ? : If you have a PC able to run many games ,So what the benefit to put Xbox impression in Start MENU ? To let the users acting to buy XBOX Console ?? maybe
Maps : Another useless app and nobody is using it am sure .. People using Google Earth and maps all the time -_-
Reading List ? : we can find everything in google
photos : Use windows photo viewer better
videos : Use windows media player instead or download thousands of cracked free video players programs .

When somebody wanna search about program in windows 8.1 , it takes periods to find something ... for example my PC contains more than 100 programs ,When i want to search for HEX workshop program i take 1 minute to find it !! First you will open Giant Horrible Start screen
then click small arrow then keep searching inside millions of complicated start screen ''Everything look ugly when you keep your eyes focusing into something So what do u think about beginner user ?? Maybe he will spend almost 8 minutes to find something (Some dumb idiots may prefer "Oh use search bar" search bar in win 8 not showing all specific options comparing with win 7
for instance Msconfig - dxdiag - command prompt as Admin ...

Microsoft Still wont solve High Contract Theme that decrease eye strain in midnight .This Theme is completely Buggy and had too much glitches ( Many Pc emulators not showing up - Programs crashes for unknown error - CPU is using more effort when running any programs may cause low frame rates while playing )
Microsoft with Funny Face saying for Old Fans ( Tehe No customizations ANYMORE No themes No Widgets NO Dynamic Themes Just nothing ) Keep using Empty OS dumb idiots .
In windows 8.1 & 10 Microsoft locked the function to install themes ,A great team hacker developed a tool that allow you to install themes "UXstyle""UltraFX" .

Most Stupid Thing EVER ( PC settings & Control Panel )
***A dumb idiot may say "Oh use PC settings to Change options" There's something that is different between them , Pc setting is limited that means its not showing full details to change things like (Mouse - Disk management - Optimize Disks )

Direct Play is buggy after windows 7
*** Direct Play is a tiny tool inside windows files allow you to play old Games especially before 2000 .. Terrible thing is that windows 8 conflicted with intel HD + Nvidia Driver let old games running even slowly in Window MODE not Full screen mode

USELESS Features
*** If you adjust mouse cursor in following direction "Up left in corner'' The Android Users gonna Say "OHHHHHH !! This feature already copied from Android OS''
Many Many Ugly featured .

seriously I think Microsoft should Get a Huge punishment to Fix this Disaster ,Because millions of users disappointed about Windows 10 Again !
Finally Microsoft or Bill Gates realized that big amounts of people hated Windows 8 ,So they Decided to establish new Ugly start menu ,it looks even worse than windows 8 menu Therefore Microsoft had many types of advanced programmers to edit .

By the way The question is "WHY WINDOWS 10 IS FREE ?????"

The 100% Correct answer is : Because its a GARBAGE Made for Dumb idiots ONLY
Windows 10 New Options and improvements XD 2015

1- Unlimited Updates 'Windows 10 doesn't had an option to disable Updates ! ' 
2- Again Ugly Apps with horrible start menu new Design ( Windows 2000 look professional design than Win 10 )
3- Terrible User interface  
4- Themes Are completely REMOVED (No hack tools to Enable installing themes anymore :( )
5- Icons ( The icons look made By Paint !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )
6- Same Stupid Logo !!! You can design a windows 10 logo very Fast "Just Open Paint then draw 4 squares around each other ^^" Windows 1998 logo is even better than all windows versions !
7- Windows is not responding with you ! Some users who had these specifications Hardware ""Core i5 - 8GB RAM"" reported windows 10 sometimes is missing while opening simple Pictures & freezes & Crashes !
8- No Customization Anymore "Microsoft removed Everything '' Only thing you can do is changing ToolBars Colors
9- unfriendly OS (Many Articles and videos in youtube provided a problem that windows 10 is SPYWARE) 

Lets compare with Windows XP 2004 :
1 - You have the freedom to Enable or Disable Updates
2 - a very useful start screen that contains all directions you want
3 - Good user interface "Download some tweaks from websites to Change some windows look "
4 - Very easy to install themes ( In windows XP you only have to download the Theme.exe compressed and then install it Then apply it by clicking right-click in Desktop then Select the Theme ) No bugs or glitches
5 - Pretty cool icons
6 - Logo animation scene is beautiful
7 - easy to use and Much faster
8 - Fully customizations
9 - Completely Safe

And now you gonna Support that !?!?! U gonna upgrade to that piece of **** ??? Its SO Shame to see people are using Windows 10 without a full knowledge from Old History !
Microsoft released 3 Disasters in sequence Windows 8 ----> Xbox One ----> Windows 10
We expected Microsoft gonna build a new OS for Xbox one But the shocking thing is "WE SAW Ugly Windows 8 on it !" its a big insult if you going to compare XBOX with PS4 ,PS4 is even Better.

Another Group of Dumb Idiots may say ( OH use Mac OS or Linux ) Mac & Linux already in Graveyard "Rest in Peace" . my opinion i feel that Microsoft trying to let Windows OS More restricted ,It means you are not buy it Only Renting the OS...

Screen Savers

Microsoft Still using power saving backgrounds since windows Vista "2007" Wheres the Experiments and improvements about this ??? for 8 years ago Microsoft didn't decided  to create something new ! At less the only thing they should do right now is designing great user interface ,Because in windows 10 no redeem quality deserved while its still on BETA procedures !.

Microsoft successfully Killed an impressive feature was in Windows 7 is "Windows Media Center'' WMC is great tool shipped with Windows 7 to give more flexible of watching movies & TV shows & playing songs .

No Gadgets Anymore , Something giving your desktop screen a beauty look is widgets .These Labels performing some options for instances : CPU Usage,RAM Usage,Quick Puzzle,Live Songs,Pictures Viewer.etc . Windows 8 & 10 are completely Empty nothing special came with them .

Windows 10 "START MENU"

Microsoft think its a good idea to let poeple using useless Apps ,But the opposite is wrong ... The start Menu returned again a bit similar to windows 2000 Menu if you gonna remove stupid apps manually ,Only 1 column will left . This Disgusting column contains millions of apps come out in your face and keep scrolling down and up to find a program it makes a user confused .

No colors Effects on start Menu ''It look Very Ugly'' Windows 1998 enhanced colors look more better :( .

Direct X 12 is Visual 

First Of ALL ,There are many Fake Pictures published in google network showing differences around FPS Rate in some heavy games . 1 photo introduced versus between X11 & X12 on Crysis 3 ,The results went insanely FAKE .X11 achieved 36FPS and X12 60FPS ,So i asked my friend to discover if this is a FAKE or truth . We installed the Game in Same laptops with same specifications :

GTX 860M

i7 - 4770H 2.6GHz (No Turbo )

As i said in my Mind FAKE "Yes its FAKE"

Here the results :

X11 = 38FPS (Windows 8.1)

X12 = 35 FPS ( Windows 10 )

Note : No Anti-Alayze selected

So Yeah , Nothing is good about Windows 10

Windows 10 crashed in Middle of Exam !!! OMG

4 of my friends who studying Network Security Destination experience ,Something is ridiculous happened to them in Exam with windows 10 !!! While establishing 3D objects to calculate distances "I Dont Really remember what exactly reported'' Windows 10 Crashed and they LOST all their work Then the Teacher decided for them to repeat the exam later ... Basically a lot of students inside college disappointed about windows 10 :( ...

MAC - Linux - Windows

Its funny to see some idiots using MACBOOKS & Linux operating systems XD .

My Own Experiments to test which OS is even worse than others :

( If you Disagree Up to U )

"Worst OS ALL the time in my opinion"

1 - MAC

2 - Linux

3 - Windows 10

4 - Windows 8

5 - Windows ME

6 - Windows Vista

"The Best"

1 - Windows 7 Ultimate

2 - Windows XP

3 - Windows 2000 ( Sometimes )



MAC OS owned by Apple Company , Which is nobody can detect the benefit of using such a childish Operating system . The true gamers and famous brands like (Orgin - MSI - ASUS - DELL - HP .etc) Doesn't EVER Support it because this product is fully of craps !

Expensive For Nothing

Apple Insanely Overpriced MACBOOKS Desktops & Laptops for **** Hardware ! We everyone know this structure ,If the Hardware is Strong and able to perform Ultra effort while using all Commands will be expensive , But Apple selecting the weakest Hardwares to produce such a New Garbage ..

A Macbook Laptop Cost 1000$ with these **** options :


Core i5 -1.8GHz

1376x760 Screen


With this huge price you can buy a perfect Laptop able to do whatever you want :


Core i7 4770H (4 cores)

Full HD screen 1080p

GTX 670M

1TB Hardisk

The prices is different ,Depends on which company you suggested to buy from .

No Graphic Card !

MACBOOKS are not supported yet to run games !

Programs takes Ages to be emulated for MAC !!!!

without complains , 95% Of programs in Windows OS are not supported for MAC .


Linux 0_O

Actually Same MAC Story ,But the only changes is Not Overpriced and may run some games using specific Emulator .

Microsoft should Re-Make windows 7 Ultimate to save their story .


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I agree with you , But Linux is good for customization and business work . I uninstalled  windows 10 from my laptop after upgrading and ugly issues appeared such ,Battery draining , Some drivers started crashing , sound not working ,And the blue dead screen still appearing every single time when i re-plug adapter .It's just so frustrating and no one want to be forced to use this . It seems the developers in Microsoft lost their minds and haven't pay attention for any feedbacks and continue their ugly plans . 

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Linux... Best OS.

Especially Arch.

If you hate 10 so much, stick with 7. If you encounter something bad with 7, move to Elementary OS.


OS X is something else though. The kernel has difficulty running native binaries.

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MS wants money. Full stop.They don't care if your product doesn't work, as long as it works for the 1 billion others.

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Sorry but totally disagree.  Really like 10.  I have been using it professionally since before the RTM.  It's clean and simple to use, it just works.  I don't want fluffy colour schemes (I turned these off in W& etc), on the rare occasions I have to use a W7 machine now it feels dated and behind the times.  It was good in it's day but that day is rapidly passing now.  The start menu works well once you understand the differences and the benefits.  My machines are more efficient to use and multi-task with and that is using a combination of web based apps, more traditional desktop style apps and universal apps.  I have a PC, Laptop and Transformerbook at home, all work well, just one more laptop to take up and I'll be using a totally W10 environment.

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Linux is better than Windows in most ways. Pretty much the only bad thing is the lack of software, but that is caused by a lack of users, which is a chicken-and-egg problem. If everyone in the world switched to Linux in one day, it'd stay that way.
Xubuntu 18.04 and Windows 10

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Me too, but Microsoft is constantly making ONE BIG MISTAKE. They think that they know what is more productive for me. For example: Windows Redstone will introduce new start menu, which is much more worse that Windows 10s first. They said that its more productive than this new, but its too cluttered whit unusable things.

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You would be part of the minority of users not complaining about the change. Personally, I think the Windows 10 theming is dreadful. Pure white title bar, black transparent taskbar, inconsistent theming between metro apps and Windows applications. I have updated to Windows 10, but feels like a downgrade for everything but a faster boot time. That is pretty much it. I will have to agree with the author that I don't understand the a**-backward reasoning behind the PC Settings and Control Panel. Why do we need both?

Microsoft is definitely heading down a direction where their OS will cease to work for me and I will switch over to Linux full time. Already did so with my desktop since Windows 10 runs like a brick on it.

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Well each to their own and I respect that!  I guess we'll see if it does hurt Microsoft in the long term or not, time will tell.  I would agree defiantly work still to be done to fine tune the OS (eg: the settings / control panel) but my personal opinion is it's heading in the right direction.  Agree to disagree I think :-)

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I mostly agree with you, today for the first time I had to work on a win10, and it was a shocking experience. I'm not talking about the internals, as I don't know what is under the hood - although they say, if a car looks bad, it usually works bad as well.

The UI goes against any kind on common sense, no doubt. The cause of the problem is twofold:

1. back "in the old days", UI was designed by engineers, the same number crunching, code writing, flowchart drawing, rational thinking people of common sense, having an IT/math/engineering degree. Now there are dedicated "UX" specialists, psychologists, artists, "creative designers", marketing gurus, without any technical/scientific background, and somehow looking down on rational, technical approach. They are surely very ambitious, full of dedication to show off they can be as revolutionary as, say, Windows 95 was. Well, not quite..

2. M$ needs money from the OS business too. Although the OS branch may not be their main source of income, still they are in a perpetual compulsion of releasing new versions with new features. Most of the recent versions' new features don't fulfill a real need, they were never needed by anybody ("bloatures"), so M$ has to convince users about their usefulness. Face it, Windows is way over its climax. Actually, it seems to be in a descent ever since XP. Already Windows 7 showed some cautionary signs of decay, mostly not in the UI though.

To sum up: as Windows 7 support will be neglected by emerging generations of hardware, windows 10 will be the best reason of switching to Linux.

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Windows 7 forever!!!!!!!!!!!!

and I dont care about 6/7 gen core CPU (they stop support Windows 7)

if this my only option - I will stay with 4 gen CPU and with my Windows 7!!!

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Last updated February 2, 2024 Views 6,631 Applies to: