Win 10 and OneDrive deleted all my files?

I upgraded to windows 10.

Shortly after I noticed i had "trash" in my recycle bin.

So I emptied it.

2 seconds later I had more trash.

So I opened the Recycle Bin and watched as Windows 10 deleted 100% of my OneDrive files.

Luckily i had made backups of all files. I'm not stupid.

Why did Windows 10 delete all my OneDrive files???

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My guess is that the malware that has infected your computer is deleting your files.

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Brand new ssd, installed windows 8.1, updated and then upgraded to windows 10... So I have malware on my 8.1 disk from the Microsoft Store?

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I have a similar problem but not to that magnitude.  I have about 4500 music files and since upgrading to Windows 10, about 20 music files are deleted every day.  I have recovered them each day from the OneDrive recycle bin but the next day they are deleted again.  Every day it is mostly the same files with a slight variation.

On August 6, 16 songs by Fleetwood Mac and Fleet Foxes were deleted. 

On August 7, 18 songs by Fleetwood Mac and Fleet Foxes were deleted plus one by Bee Gees and one Pink Floyd.

On August 8, 18 songs by Fleetwood Mac and Fleet Foxes were deleted.  The Bee Gees and Pick Floyd were not deleted on August 8.

I have searched through these files in detail and I seen nothing different from the properties of other songs.  The songs deleted come from four different albums and there are many songs from the same albums that do not get deleted.  The properties of deleted versus non deleted songs look exactly the same except for the name of the song.  There are no special characters in the names or anything else that looks suspicious. 

Why would Windows 10 be deleting these songs?  This did not happen on Windows 8.1.  It just started after the Windows 10 upgrade.

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To me it almost seems as if I make any changes to a file while onedrive is trying to upload/sync it, the change throws it off so it just deletes it... add to that it does batch uploading/syncing it's deleting multiple files at a time....

So when I start editing metadata, if I save a file and start editing another it starts deleting everything in that folder...

This is a major flaw...

Still doesn't explain why my Onedrive library has 3400 songs but Groove only shows 2560 lol

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Yes I think there is some connection to changing metadata that causes this. I've noticed many of the files deleted were files for which i maintained metadata but some also were deleted when metadata was not changed. Plus I've maintained a lot of metadata but only a small group of those music files were deleted. One thing I have noticed is that if i restore the files from the OneDrive on line recycle bin, the files were again deleted the next day over and over again. But once i restored the files from my PC recycle bin, onedrive stopped deleting those songs and instead deleted others. So each day I've had 20 - 40 songs deleted. I have cleaned up most of my files so I am going to stop maintaining metadata for a while to see if that is what is causing this. Thanks for the tip.

Regarding Groove music, that app makes no sense at all and i have quite using it and have gone back to Windows Media Player. Ive tried to make sense of number of files on pc, versus streaming, available off line, etc and none of those files make sense. Plus no mater what i do i can not get some artwork to update and many songs show download errors. Plus if i add songs to a play list the song gets an error and won't play. It's a terrible app in it's current state.

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I made no metadata changes in the past 48 hours and have had no files deleted.  I did change the name of my computer and when OneDrive synched up again it created 8 duplicate songs that had the old computer name but did not deleted any songs.  Computer name is part of the metadata on a file and somehow the name was wrong and OneDrive could not figure it out so it created a duplicate.  The good news is I did get an alert to that affect so in this case it worked.  In summary I think you are correct that this delete problem has something to do with changing metadata and that is why only music files were deleted for me.  I did not change metadata on any other file types.

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So it looks like this is definitely related to metadata for music files.  I had not maintained any data for 48 hours and no files were deleted.  Yesterday I used and MP3 editor to change the album art on four songs.  Today all four songs were in the recycle bin.  There are still a couple items I want to test. 

So far I have noticed this problem only on Music files.  However, I don't usually edit metadata on other document types so i am not sure if this is a problem for all documents.  I just edited metadata on an excel and a word document so will check back tomorrow if these were also deleted.

I restored the above music files from the desktop recycle bin.  When I have restored them from the desktop, I believe they stay restored.  However, I believe in the past when I restored files from the OneDrive on line recycle bin the files were deleted again the next day.  However I am not absolutely certain of this and will need to test it further.

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So yesterday I maintained metadata on four music files and two excel files.  One of the four music files was deleted and in the recycle bin today and neither of the excel files were deleted.  This is not conclusive evidence but it does appear the delete problem is related to music files only when metadata is maintained either through WMP or by maintaining properties of the file in Windows File Explorer.

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The problem seems to be related to just certain metadata.  I maintained Year and Genre on 85 songs and all were deleted.  I maintained name and album artist of a few others and they did not get deleted.  So I am not sure what other fields trigger a delete by OneDrive.  I do know it does not matter how I do the edits.  Some songs that were deleted, metadata edits were made in Windows Media Player and others were made directly to the file properties in File Explorer by right clicking on the file and selecting properties/details.

I have seen no input from anyone at Microsoft on this feed.  I hope they are aware and working on the problem.  This is a major issue and should receive immediate attention.

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I am glad I read this thread.

So, I have a desktop and laptop.  Both Windows 10.  Both logged in with same Microsoft userid.

First, copied a bunch of files from desktop to onedrive.  They synched on Desk and Laptop.

Second, copied a bunch of files from laptop to onedrive.  They synched on Desk and Laptop.

Third, (post synch) I moved some folders around on onedrive from my laptop.

Fourth, the next day I went to the laptop.  The new directories were gone.  Old directories were put back but everything was empty.  No files!

Fifth, I found every file in the desktop recycle bin deleted but in the old file structure.  I panicked!

Sixth, I restored all from the recycle bin but files missing everywhere and in the wrong places.  Egads!

Seventh....this is important...., I went to the c:\users\matt directory on my laptop....There were 2!!! folders named OneDrive....How is this even possible?!  Not OneDrive and OneDrive (2)....literally...2 folders named OneDrive....Well, in the first one, the data in the current onedrive form existed...however, in the second....was the folder structure and files I had changed the prior day.  Saved!!!

Now I went back to living off my C drive because I don't trust OneDrive.

Microsoft needs to A) explain  and B) fix....

Microsoft, we are counting on these products working securely and consistently.

Please, please, please...speak up in this thread.



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Last updated February 8, 2023 Views 7,393 Applies to: