Ever since the most recent major Windows 10 update (I guess a couple months ago?), every time I log in to my PC, a select few of my desktop icons get moved to a certain place. I have a dual monitor setup, one is plugged into my GPU, the other is plugged to the motherboard. If I move them back to where they were and right click to do sort by name, they sort properly and stay in the same spot I put them. But if I choose "refresh," they move back to the spot they were upon login. If I shut down and reboot, they move to that same weird spot.
View is set to Small Icons, Auto Arrange is OFF, Align to Grid is ON, Show Icons is also checked. I have them sorted by Name.
I figured the problem would have sorted itself out after the first patch update. But I think I've had to update my PC at least twice since the major update and still have the same issue. It isn't like a huge deal or anything, just annoying. It only happens to the exact same 4 icons. One is a text file, another is a PDF, and the other 2 are folders. I just don't get it.