Two factor authentication- hacked?

My home PC connected to Microsoft account

Can't sign into PC

Blue screen showing- need BitLocker Recovery Key

Okay- now I sign into my Microsoft account and find my device, and click BitLocker Recovery Key

And now - it asks me to confirm my two factor authentication email address to send a code

Showing a 7 digit long email address. Covered by 5 asterisks

I have tried every possible email address I use

And the code is not sending

What I believe is this is a possible hack

Which has locked me out of my PC for 30 days until the two factor authentication changes?

I don't want to use a laptop and I am busy student exam time

Most of the options to recover the PC - on the PC - just come back to BitLocker screen

My PC doesn't have a cd rom drive

I have a cd rom of windows that apparently I need to move from a cd to USB to install windows

Net install not work apparently

This is a lot happening here

Sorry for inconvenience

What can I do

Can Microsoft not fast track my 2FA request

I even rebuild the BIOS, nothing

I don't even need the bitlocker - there is nothing on my drive that is need to be secured

Hi, I'm Ravish, an independent Windows advisor, and I'm here to assist you today.

Here’s a structured approach to address your problem:

Immediate Actions
Check Alternate Accounts:
Visit from another device.

Log in with any possible Microsoft accounts you may have.
Look for the BitLocker Recovery Key associated with your device.

Visit Microsoft Account Recovery.

Fill out the form with as much information as possible.
In the comments section, explain your urgency (exams, 2FA issue, potential hacking).

Be prepared to wait a few business days for Microsoft’s response.

Hope it helps

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If you cannot access the recovery key the only option is a clean install. This will wipe all data from the drive.

You will need USB boot media Download Windows 11 using another windows PC. Once you have the boot USB you boot the problem device from USB and select Language > Install now > Customised install. At customised install delete all partitions on the boot disk until there is only unallocated space.

Follow the onscreen instructions to install windows.

Device encryption will probably enable again during the install so if you don't want it then you need to go to Device encryption in Settings and turn it off. (for Home) or Control Panel > BitLocker. (for Pro)

There is no fast track for the 30 day period.

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Question Info

Last updated February 13, 2025 Views 13 Applies to: