The drive must be able to hold at least 32 gb, and everything on the drive will be deleted. Windows 10, Creating a recovery drive.

Trying to create a recovery drive. My computer said I need a 32 GB usb drive. When I insert the drive I get a message that "The drive must be able to hold at least 32 gb, and everything on the drive will be deleted." and the next button is grayed out. In properties, my new drive says capacity is 31.2 GB. Please, is this not working because my "32 GB" usb drive is actually 31.2 GB? Otherwise, why is it not allowing me to proceed? Should I "format" the drive? Thank you for your consideration with my problem.

A USB drive that ships as a 32 GB drive wouldn't be a fully 32 GB drive,it would be somewhat less-as you said in your case.

In that case,a 64 GB one may work(you may also try it formatting)

In any case,you can also skip copying system files to the drive-then it would require hardly a GB of space that boots up to advanced recovery options which allows to restore a system image.

Create a system image and save it to either a Hard drive/DVD.A system image is an exact copy of system files on a running computer.

System Image - Create in Windows 10 - Windows 10 Forums

When required,use the recovery drive to restore the system image.

let us know if there are any other questions.

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Last updated January 7, 2025 Views 2,418 Applies to: