Silverlight white screen of dealth
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This issue might occur due to compatibility issues or any add-on conflicting. To diagnose and resolve the issue, try the following methods.
Method 1: Try Compatibility mode.
Sometimes this issue occurs when there are compatibility issues with the website and the browser. Refer to the link below:
Method 2: Internet Explorer without add-ons
This issue may also occur when some add-on is blocking the connection or is corrupt. Try to disable all the add-ons on Internet Explorer and check if it resolves the issue. By doing so, you will know which particular add-on is causing the issue. To do so, refer to the link below:
Method 3:
I would suggest you to Reset Internet Explorer and check if that solves the problem.
Follow the steps in the link below to
Reset Internet Explorer and check.
Change or reset Internet Explorer settings
Note: Resetting Internet Explorer's settings is not reversible. After a reset, all previous settings are lost and cannot be recovered. It is recommended to back up your home page or home page settings before resetting Internet Explorer to defaults.
Hope this helps. Please try these methods and let us know the status. Feel free to write us back in case you face any issue with windows in future.
Sahil Bali
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Dear Sahil, Thanks. I can't get any of that to work. Perhaps the problem is related to another issue. It seems my IE (using the latest version 11.0.9600) is emulating the 10-year-old IE 7. I found this out during an investigation of problems with Gmail. They asked me to look at the UAS being put out, and the answer came back:
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The Gmail guy suggested I use F12 and try to stop the emulation, but that seems to be a programmers tool and I could not figure out anything. So the basic problem seems to be that despite the fact that I get almost weekly updates to my Microsoft software, and have to interrupt my work to re-boot, and despite the fact that when I check with the Microsoft site it confirms that I have the latest software installed, the browser itself is emulating IE7 and the only way proposed so far is for me to become practically a computer programmer to fix. I would not be surprised that if this problem gets fixed, the Silverlight problem will be solved as well.
How the emulation happened is a mystery to me. The laptop is only a year old, using Windows 8.1. I do use it in the Windows 7 emulation to avoid having to figure out dozens of new commands, but it would be strange if that cause the browser to emulate a very old version. Would appreciate your suggestions.
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Thanks for the details on the issue.
I would suggest you to reset Internet Explorer by referring to method 3 in my previous post and check if it helps.
Keep us updated with the results. We will be glad to assist you further.
Sahil Bali
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Hi Sahil, I'm reluctant to use option 3 without more information. Your message says "all previous settings are lost and cannot be recovered". I've got hundreds of passwords saved for the many sights I access. I guess all of those would be lost. How to reset without losing all these saved passwords.
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Hi Sahil,
I hope there is a more direct way. Why does Gmail think I'm using IE 7 when I'm actually using IE 11? The Google folks think it's all Microsoft's fault. There must be some setting that's incorrect.
Cheers, Geoff
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Question Info
Last updated May 3, 2023 Views 3,324 Applies to: