Open Start, type: epson scan
If it shows up in the results, right click it then click Pin to tasbkar
If not:
Press Windows +X
Select Programs and Features.
Check whether Epson is installed or not.
You may also install the driver setup file if it is not listed under all programs.
You can also try the following:
Press Windows key + R
Type: control
open devices and printers
Right click your printer/scanner
Click Create shortcut
This should add it to the desktop.
Right-click your printer, select Printing Preferences, and select your product name again if necessary.
Click the Maintenance tab.
Click the Extended Settings button.
Select Enable EPSON Status Monitor 3, then click OK.
Click the Monitoring Preferences button.
Click the Shortcut Icon box.
Click OK to close the open program windows.
If doesn't help, let us know so we can explore more options.
Best, Andre twitter/adacosta
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