Roblox blocking by microsoft family

We are trying to restrict the time our son can play Roblox on his PC using Microsoft family app blocking settings. It works as long as the app is called from the task bar, but not when called from the start menu. There is also no visible option to remove the Roblox app from the start menu.

How can this fixed besides uninstalling the app which is not the intention?

Hey there, ReinhardKar

Welcome to the Microsoft Community forums. 

We are trying to restrict the time our son can play Roblox on his PC using Microsoft family app blocking settings. It works as long as the app is called from the task bar, but not when called from the start menu. 

So when your son is playing Roblox, and his time limit is exceeded. He can launch the game from start menu and play it still?

Please can you share a video of your screen, of what is happening?

You will need to upload it to OneDrive with a share link. Please do not share any Personal Identifiable information. 


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Hey there, Karl Essinger

Thanks for sharing a video.

I have downloaded Roblox onto the computer I am using to see if I get two apps. However, at the moment, I have only got one app. 

Do you know if your son/daughter may have downloaded Roblox from the internet?

When the family safety site is back up, I am going to see if I can reproduce the error. If I can, then we can raise this up and see where we go from there. 


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I'm also only getting one app instead of two. We installed Roblox through the Microsoft Store app. I've uninstalled/reinstalled several times with no change.

I have a different PC which doesn't have the same issue. For me this problem is only appearing on my Surface Pro 7.

Also Roblox Studio had been installed on this PC (as well as my other PC) but I've uninstalled it to see if it made any difference (it didn't.) I don't know if that might be somehow related to the issue.

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Something is wrong here.

1: App for us if run on win10 machine with all updates, from the start bar, its blocked, and a family box appears asking for permission if not the right time of day

2: If my son, as he would, drags the shortcut to the desktop, the control is gone.

My conclusion is family filter has hard coded what it blocks to the file structure of shortcuts, and does not work for an app that is java based which roblox is. Only option is to delete the app.

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Hey there, everyone

I have given this a try, and found that I was easily able to reproduce this. 

I have escalated this thread.


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thanks, id much rather my son did his MS Teams based homework then roblox ;)

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Thank you for writing to Microsoft Community Forums.


We have tried to reproduce this in our test machines running the current version of Windows 10 (2004 build) with time limits set for Child Accounts. However, we were not able to notice this behavior launching the app from different shortcuts.


We would like to know,


What is the version of Windows 10 that is currently running on the system? If you are not running the latest build (2004) then I would suggest you Update Windows 10  to the latest version and check.


We would also like to know if you see this behavior after removing and re-adding the child account in Microsoft Family, and adding the Time Limits again. Refer the


Meanwhile, we will continue to investigate this issue.


I would also suggest you to Send feedback to Microsoft with the Feedback Hub app and share the Feedback Hub entry URL with us.



Prakhar Khare

Microsoft Community – Moderator

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Really? Your net net worldly wisdom is to say, after a May 28th msft forced update (2004) does it now work?  One that landed 9 days ago. 

There is a large number of noddy people on various forums who live off writing drivel about are you on the latest update, perhaps they get paid. 

Clearly not an engineer, nor even a 1st line tech. Don't reply lost interest. 

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Question Info

Last updated March 5, 2025 Views 9,580 Applies to: