I purchased a new laptop. As I am a university student. Now my question has to do with me also assigning a school/work account on my laptop as well.
I was told that when I do this my university can easily access not only what I do online while logged into my universities systems but also what is also on my laptop. Is this true? If so would it make them harder to track what I do on my computer if I instead were to log into the school system from a secure browser via VPN instead of keeping the school acct tied to my computer which it is? I want to make it difficult for them to always "know what i am doing on my computer" here is a screen shot that I attached so you can see what ai am referring to.
Now i did download a student license of Microsoft office since it a free service they provide but again I don't want them to know every time I am accessing Microsoft office either. don't care if ai lose access to Office because ai can always purchase it. I know it says I can disconnect from that account, but I want to know if there is a way to remove it. It says I can't do that, and I don't understand why I can't remove that school acct None the less, my goal is to not have my school track everything I do whether I am logged into their systems or not and I want to know if it's better to just "disconnect from that school account and instead, if possible, to log into their system instead? That's my goal.
Please advise. Thank you
Thank you