PIN not working

Whenever I try to log in to Windows 10 on my laptop the PIN no longer works.

This is the message I get when trying to log in. Whenever I click Set up my PIN I am able to go through all the steps to set up a new PIN, but then it will not let me. It then gives me the option to skip that step and I am able to get into my account as usual. I have to go through this step every single time I log into my account recently. How can I fix this so that I can reset the PIN?

Hello, how are you?
My name is Paloma B., I am very happy to be able to try to help you in the best possible way.

I understand that you are having Windows Hello PIN issues.

I suggest that you try to delete the folder where the PIN information is stored and then try again.

The Ngc folder is saved in the Windows folder and is where the PIN information is stored.

First, follow the path below:


Locate the Ngc folder and delete it, after that restart the computer and try to reconfigure the Windows Hello input methods.

If you have any doubts, follow the procedure of the link below please, I believe it can help you in this process.

I await news.

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Last updated January 26, 2024 Views 191 Applies to: