Paint 3D is deprecated and will be removed from the Microsoft Store on November 4, 2024. Existing installations of Paint 3D will continue to work, but the app will no longer be available for download from the Microsoft Store.
Users will no longer be able to download the app starting November 4th 2024. Microsoft says it will no longer provide Paint 3D app updates from that date.
But what about the one who wants to keep it? Why Microsoft doesn't allow people to have an executable for this program? Why Microsoft doesn't help us to do so?
I personally tried, many times, to create an installer of Windows 3D paint without success. It works, everything when fine the installation successfully installed the 3D in C:\Program Files\Microsoft 3D paint (my chosen location). After the installation nothing happened. I tried to run it with administrator elevate permission but nothing happened. I believe that some dependencies files or (.dll's) are not include or are missing in my setup. I do believe that Microsoft is behind this. I don't understand the purpose of this relentlessness?
I would like to be able to create an installer of the Microsoft 3D paint. NOT MODIFYING the program or anything wrong. I just want to keep it the way it is to be able to reinstall it after Microsoft updates. Microsoft store or any other update that may cause the program to not function properly. At least you can reinstall it as many time as you want. It’s not big approx.: 34.490Kb. It can be hold in a USB key. I do believed that killing the application, it’s not necessary. Why not leaving it the way it is? If Microsoft doesn’t want to support it, that’s fine, but let people use it for God Sake.
I used the Inno setup. I’ve create a script with the Wizard and I successfully create a Paint3DInstaller.exe of Microsoft paint 3D that I had previously extract from the original C:\Program Files\WindowsApps.
To do so, I had to change the ownership of this folder because it’s protected by Microsoft. So I use the group that I have by default, the group identify with the administrators of my account. Such is Administrators (fatgatto\Administrators). So I had to remove the ownership from:
NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller and replace it with my Administrators (fatgatto\Administrators) group. For the time of extracting the folder from his original position and state.
After I was then able to go and copy all the files from C:\program Files\WindowApps fodder. I previously change the view so I can see all the hidden files protected by the system to insured I copy everything. The folder in question: Microsoft.Paint_11.2408.30.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe is 74.2 MB for 628 files and 11 folders. After the extraction has been made successfully I copy and paste all the files to an external drive. I then give back the ownership to NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller.
Nevertheless, when I click on the execute file that I’ve created with Inno nothing happened. I run the installer with administrator privileges and I check dependencies: (e.g., the .NET framework or Visual C++ redistributables).VC_redist.x64.exe / VC_redist.x86.exe has been installed.
Some files like dlls and winmd files might need specific libraries or runtime components to function properly? How can I ensure the system has the necessary dependencies? Why it doesn't work? I have until November 4th to successfully create an installer for Microsoft paint 3D. Does anyone from Microsoft or any programmer or anyone can help me? I am using Windows 11 Pro Edition
Version 23H2 OS build 22631.4391
App Distribution Model: Microsoft has shifted towards a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) model for many of its applications, including Paint 3D. This model is designed for distribution through the Microsoft Store, which allows for easier updates and management of apps. By not providing standalone executables, Microsoft can maintain control over the app's distribution and ensure that users receive the latest updates and security patches.
Dependencies and Environment: UWP apps often rely on specific runtime environments and dependencies that are integrated into the Windows operating system. This can make it challenging to run the app outside of its intended environment.
Script to Inno Setup:
AppName=Microsoft Paint 3D
DefaultDirName={autopf}\Microsoft Paint 3D
DefaultGroupName=Microsoft Paint 3D
Source: "D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\*"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs
Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "Create a desktop icon"; GroupDescription: "Additional icons"
Name: "{group}\Microsoft Paint 3D"; Filename: "{app}\mspaint.exe"
Name: "{commondesktop}\Microsoft Paint 3D"; Filename: "{app}\mspaint.exe"; Tasks: "desktopicon"
Filename: "{app}\mspaint.exe"; Description: "Launch Microsoft Paint 3D"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent shellexec
*** Starting compile.
Reading file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 6\ISPPBuiltins.iss
Parsing [Setup] section, line 5
Parsing [Setup] section, line 6
Parsing [Setup] section, line 7
Parsing [Setup] section, line 8
Parsing [Setup] section, line 9
Parsing [Setup] section, line 10
Parsing [Setup] section, line 11
Reading file (WizardImageFile)
Reading file (WizardSmallImageFile)
Preparing Setup program executable
Updating version info (SETUP.E32)
Determining language code pages
Reading file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 6\Default.isl
Messages in script file
Reading default messages from Default.isl
Parsing [LangOptions], [Messages], and [CustomMessages] sections
Reading file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 6\Default.isl
Messages in script file
Reading [Code] section
Parsing [Tasks] section, line 17
Parsing [Icons] section, line 20
Parsing [Icons] section, line 21
Parsing [Run] section, line 24
Parsing [Files] section, line 14
Deleting Paint3DInstaller.exe from output directory
Creating setup files
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\BasePaint.dll
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\EnumHelper.dll
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\ImageProcessing.dll
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\libcrypto-3-x64.dll
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas.dll
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas.winmd
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.pri
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.winmd
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\mspaint.exe
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\NOTICE.txt
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintTools.dll
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI.dll
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI.winmd
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PGS.dll
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PlatformHelpers.dll
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PrintDialogEx.dll
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\ProvenanceHelper.dll
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\provenancesdk.dll
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\Reporting.dll
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\ResourceHelpers.dll
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\RestartRecovery.dll
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\seg.onnxe
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\App.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\AppChrome.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\BrushSize.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\BrushSizeSlider.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\Canvas.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\CanvasPrintPreview.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\CanvasThumbnail.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\CocreatorPanel.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\ColorsToolbar.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\EditColorsDialog.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\FirstRunExperienceDialog.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\GeneratedVariant.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\ImageCreator.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\ImagePropertiesDialog.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\ImageToolbar.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\LayersPanel.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\MenuBar.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\MessageBoxDialog.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\NOTICE.txt
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\PrintPreviewRibbon.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\ResizeAndSkewDialog.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\Ribbon.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\RibbonControlResources.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\SegmentedResources.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\SelectionToolbar.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\SettingsPage.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\ShapesToolbar.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\StatusBar.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\StyleSelectorFlyoutContent.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\StyleSelectorResources.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\TextBlockWithTeachingTip.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\TextToolbar.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\ToolsToolbar.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\UserAvatar.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\VirtualKeyResources.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PaintUI\ZoomSlider.xbf
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PerceptiveShell\NPUDetect.dll
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PerceptiveShell\ps-onnxruntime.dll
Compressing: D:\Box\LAB\Microsoft Paint 3D\PaintApp\PerceptiveShell\segapi.dll
Compressing Setup program executable
Updating version info (SETUP.EXE)
Updating manifest (SETUP.EXE)
*** Finished. [5:08:47 PM, 00:09.828 elapsed]
*** Starting compile. [9:42:22 PM]
I can try dependency Walker to verify the installer and this is the answer:
Dependency Walker - [Paint3Dlnstaller.exe]
File Edit View Options Profile Window Help
Ordinal A
1 ox0001
Dependency Walker
dbkFCallWrapperAddr 0<0008063 C
Real Checksum
S mbols
Error: At least one required implicit or forwarded dependency was not found.
Error: Modules with different CPU types were found.
Warning: At least one delay-bad dependency module was not found.
A Errors were detected when processing files
; setup see the
log window for details.
Error opening file. The system cannot find the file specified (2).
Error opening file. The system cannot find the file specified (2).
Error opening file. The system cannot find the file specified (2).
Error opening file. The system cannot find the file specified (2).
Error ooenina file. The svstem cannot find the file soecified
Missing Dependencies:
The error messages indicate that at least one required implicit or forwarded dependency was not found. This means that some DLLs that the application relies on are missing from the installation.
Different CPU Types:
The warning about modules with different CPU types suggests that there may be a mix of 32-bit and 64-bit components.
File Not Found Errors:
The repeated "Error opening file" messages indicate that Dependency Walker is unable to locate certain files. This could be due to missing DLLs or incorrect paths.
No, it is not straightforward to create a standalone installer for Paint 3D due to its dependencies on the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and the way Microsoft has designed the app to operate within the Windows ecosystem.
Yes, Microsoft has implemented certain obstacles, such as reliance on specific system libraries and the UWP model, which complicates the extraction and standalone use of the application. This design is intended to ensure that apps are updated and managed through the Microsoft Store, limiting the ability to create independent installers.
Thank you everyone I just hope someone got a good lead for me, and it will help others. I'm willing to work hours for successfully create an installer for this program. Thank you very much.