My User Account Settings show me as ADMINISTRATOR but the programs I try to install or remove do NOT Recognize It

I have Windows 10 ( upgrade from 8.1 )

Why aren't other programs recognizing that I am the ADMINISTRATOR?  Today I tried to do these three things and couldnt because the system said i need to be the ADMINISTRATOR:

1. Access  the folder(s):  MY VIDEOS, MY PICTURES

2.  Install Google Earth

3.  Delete a folder in OneDrive

I never had this issue in Windows 8.1 and now this, please tell me how to fix this, thanks

Hi Anne,

Thank you for posting your query in Microsoft Community.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused. I will assist you with this.

Before we proceed to determine who owns most objects, right-click the object or files , then click Properties . In the Properties dialog box, click the Security tab, and then click Advanced . In the Access Control Settings dialog box, click the Owner tab. The name of the object's owner is shown after Current owner of this item.

I would suggest you to try the following steps and see if it helps to resolve the issue.


1.      Select the file or folder which you need to provide full permission.

2.      Now right click on that file or folder and click on Properties.

3.      Click on the Security tab.

4.      Click on the user account through which you are logged in. Clicking on the user will show you the permissions set for the user pertinent to the folder.

5.      After you have viewed the permissions that are already set, you can now click on the Advanced Button that is right below the "Permissions for Authenticated Users".

6.      Once you have clicked Advanced, a box would appear, the "Permission Entries" box, which shows all the permissions that are set for the users.

7.      Now, after you have spotted the user whose permissions you wish to change, click "Change Permissions".

8.      Click on the user you would like to edit, and then click the option that says "Change Permissions" which is right below the box. To change permission you have to click on edit.

9.      Once edit is clicked, you are going to get the same box pop up but this time you can actually edit the options. You can do that by clicking the "Administrators" user again, and this time, you are going to click the "Edit" option.

Hope the above information helps. Reply with necessary information and the result to help you further. Thank you.

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I have Windows 10 and do not have these options you refer to.  I have attached a photo to show that I have FULL CONTROL but yet cannot access the MY VIDEO Folderfolders.

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I keep getting this error message.

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Question Info

Last updated July 23, 2021 Views 241 Applies to: