A week ago my Microsoft account (this one is a new one) was hacked, I thought I had lost complete access to it until today when I realised they had only changed the email, and removed mine, which means I could still connect to it as the password was intact, only problem is that I can't confirm my identity, as the only way to do this is through the hacker's email, or by adding an email/phone number without confirming the identity, which takes 30 days, and because I connected to my account after putting my phone number, it rejected it, and said to wait 30 days before changing them without confirming again, and then it'll take 30 days again for them to be registered in my account, so a total of 60 days before I'll be able to access it and remove the hacker's email, this is a long time just in terms of waiting, but that also means that it gives the hackers time to notice I added information, they could change my password or change the email again without me being able to know it, and then I would completely lose the account, I own a Minecraft license on it among other things, and would rather *not* lose it, I've already filled the ASCR form by giving information, however it only allowed me to change the password, NOT the email, is there any other form I can complete with the information of the account to prove I have access to it, or person I can contact and give the info to that would replace the hacker's email address with mine, without waiting for the 60 days to pass ?
My Microsoft account was hacked and the email was changed, but not the password, I can still access it, but not change the email back, what do I do ?
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Last updated March 10, 2025 Views 18 Applies to: