ip address fix

My computer won't go online.  I called my internet provider and they verified that things were OK on their end.  My ip address is invalid it shows up as
I am running win XP.  When I go to ipconfig it shows ? for the ip address.  I went to ipconfig /renew and it says error RPC server is unavailable.   ipconfig /release *Com* says that it has been released already it.  It still won't renew.  Can anyone give me a suggestion how to fix it?

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There can be several different causes for this error.  Answering the following questions may help to narrow things down.

What version and service pack of XP do you have?  Right click My Computer and select Properties for information.

What is the name and version of your antivirus program?  Is it (and has it always been) kept up to date?

What happened to your computer shortly before the problem started?

Open Device Manager (Start > Run > devmgmt.msc OK)
Expand the "Network adapters" section by clicking the + at the left
What are the names of the devices shown in this section?
Is there a warning icon next to any of the devices in this section? If so, which one?

Open Network Connections (Start > Run > ncpa.cpl > OK)
Right click on the icon for the network adapter you use to connect to the Internet (either your Local Area Connection or your wireless adapter) and select Properties
What is listed in the box under "This connection uses the following items"?

Using the computer that you're using to post questions here, download the following free scanners:

MalwareBytes AntiMalware (free version, not the trial of the Pro version)
SUPERAntiSpyware Portable (Personal Edition)
Copy the  files to a USB flash drive and bring it to the problem computer
Run SUPERAntiSpyware directly from the USB flash drive.  There is no need to install it on the problem computer.  After the scan has completed, which may take some time, let the program delete whatever it finds.
Install MalwareBytes AntiMalware.  Unfortunately, the malware database included with the MBAM installer is almost 10 months old.  Although running a scan with the old database is better than nothing, it would be better to update first and then run a scan.  The best way to get the latest version of the database is to copy it from an MBAM installation in a computer that can connect to the Internet.  The following is from the MBAM FAQ:

ISSUE: I need to get the latest database onto a computer that cannot access the Internet.
SOLUTION: You can manually copy the database from a working computer using a flash drive or CD onto the infected PC. Our database file is stored in the following locations.
  • Windows XP and 2000
  • C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\rules.ref
  • Windows Vista and Windows 7:
  • C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\rules.ref

    Note: Starting with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 1.60, you must also copy the file database.conf located within the Configuration folder which is in the same folder as rules.ref listed above.
You can also download a manual update from here - NOTE: This manual update will always be way behind in version level compared to updates from within the program.

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WIN XP  version 2002
Service pack 3
I have Norton virus from my service provider, Comcast.  It has been kept updated with automatic updates.
The only thing of note that happened was I tried updating iTunes and the update failed.  I also had the same problem with the iTunes update on my wife's computer and iTunes stopped working and I had to uninstall and reinstall all apple programs to fix the problem.  Although I could not update iTunes the existing version still worked on my computer.
I will get the two malware scanners you suggest and try them Sunday when I get back from out of town, I had them both once before, but deleted them because they did not seem to find much.

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The network adapter I am trying to use now is NETGEAR FA311.  I says thea it should be working but it keeps searching for a network address and shows the invalid ip address

The internet problem first started when I was using a VIA it said little or no connectivity and had the same invalid ip address   It shows a yellow triangle with an exclimation point in it on the icon on the task bar. this adapter is on the motherboard.  I disabled this one and installed the netgear one to try to solve my problem, but it dosent work eather.

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Some here might agree with your inadvertent typo that Norton is a "virus" rather than an antivirus ... but we'll let that pass for now.

When you get back home, do look in Device Manager and Network Connections and report what you find.  If there is a warning icon (yellow triangle with an exclamation point) in Device Manager, double click on the item with the warning and report what shows under "Device status."
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Reply In reply to deleted message

Gerry's usually pretty good, but the RPC Endpoint Mapper service is only in Windows 7 and 8 (his post was marked as an "Answer" by one of the usual know-nothing "Support Engineers").   The RPC Endpoint Mapper service isn't part of Windows XP.  XP only has the "Remote Procedure Call (RPC)" service ... and if that service isn't running, there will be a whole lot of problems other than the failure of the TCP/IP stack.

For further information, see:

Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
RPC Endpoint Mapper
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Gerry's usually pretty good, but the RPC Endpoint Mapper service is only in Windows 7 and 8 (his post was marked as an "Answer" by one of the usual know-nothing "Support Engineers").   The RPC Endpoint Mapper service isn't part of Windows XP.  XP only has the "Remote Procedure Call (RPC)" service ... and if that service isn't running, there will be a whole lot of problems other than the failure of the TCP/IP stack.

For further information, see:

Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
RPC Endpoint Mapper

Thanks LemP, I didn't know that.

I've deleted my previous post accordingly.

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I loaded and ran SUPERantiSpyware, it found and deleted 22 tracking cookies.  Then I loaded and ran Malwarebytes, it found and deleted 6 threats.

When I go into network connections the NETGEAR adapter shows no warning icon but the VIA adapter has a yellow triangle with an exclamation point in it and it says "little or no connectivity"

When I look up the ip address they both show

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To repeat (with slight modifications) several questions that you haven't answered yet:

A.  What happened to your computer shortly before the problem started?

B.  You say that the VIA adapter shows "little or no connectivity," but earlier you said that you had disabled the VIA adapter and installed the Netgear adapter.  To avoid confusion, please answer the questions for all of your network adapters.  Are any of the adapters now disabled?  Which one(s)?

C.  Look in Device Manager
  1. Open Device Manager (Start > Run > devmgmt.msc OK)
  2. Expand the "Network adapters" section by clicking the + at the left
  3. What are the names of the devices shown in this section?
  4. Is there a warning icon next to any of the devices in this section? If so, which one(s)?
  5. Double click on each device in the Network adapters section and report what shows under "Device status" and "Device usage."
  6. Click "Cancel" to close the Properties page of each device when you have finished looking at it.
D.  Look in Network Connections
  1. Open Network Connections (Start > Run > ncpa.cpl > OK)
  2. Right click on the icon for each network adapter and select Properties
  3. What is listed in the box under "This connection uses the following items"?  Please provide a list for each adapter.
  4. Click "Cancel" to close the Properties page of each device when you have finished looking at it.

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A     The only thing I can think of that happened before my internet problem was that I tried to update iTunes.  The update failed but iTunes still worked on the old version and I synced and backed up my iphone.  The internet was still working.
       The next day I was unable to connect to the internet.

B     I now have 2 network adapters a VIA which is on the motherboard and a NETGEAR plugged into a PCI slot.   Right now the VIA is disabled and the NETGEAR is enabled. 

C     In device manager both adapters show up.
 The NETGEAR, status is  acquiring network address, duration is 40:52:33, speed is 100.0 Mbpsand and the ip address is  
The VIA says disabled.  If I enable it and plug the network cable into it a yellow triangle with an exclamation point shows up,  status is little or no connectivity,  duration 00:05:23, speed 100.0 Mbps and the ip address is

D     VIA adapter
        Client for Microsoft Networks
        QoS Packet Scheduler
        Pure Networks Device Discovery Driver
        Pure Networks Wireless Driver
        Internet protocol [TCP/IP]

       NETGEAR adapter
       Client for Microsoft Networks
       QoS Packet Scheduler
       Pure Networks Device Discovery Driver
       Pure Networks Wireless Driver
       Internet Protocol [TCP/IP]

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Although you still haven't indicated what is shown under "Device status" in Device Manager (you were looking in the wrong place, see images below), I'll assume that there are no error conditions indicated there.

Your list of items for both connections is quite strange.  Both of your network adapters are Ethernet adapters -- so what is "Pure Networks Wireless Driver" doing there?

I suspect that the "Pure Networks Device Discovery Driver" may also be causing you problems.

I suggest that you uninstall both "Pure Networks Device Discovery Driver" and "Pure Networks Wireless Driver" from both your VIA and your Netgear adapters.  Then, in a user account with "computer administrator" privileges, do the following:

  • Open a Command Prompt window (Start > Run > cmd > OK)
  • Type the following and press Enter
                    netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt
  • Reboot the computer
  • When the computer restarts, again log into a "computer administrator" account and open a Command Prompt window
  • Type the following and press Enter
            netsh winsock reset catalog
  • Reboot the computer

Is your connection to your router working now?

For future reference, the Device Status I was looking for was this:


and not this:

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Last updated May 12, 2024 Views 981 Applies to: