I want to update Insider Preview 10.0.22631.2338 (ni-release) but an error occurs when I reach 85% of the installation, and it shows install error code 0x8007371b. The following is an update failed attachment from Windows Update
and I have tried various things such as troubleshoot, DISM, SFC scan, and many things that many websites say. and I attached the logs from my windows update, I hope this can help me in this matter.
windowsupdate.logs: https://admbeenet-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/muhammad_ardiansyah_sman16sby_sch_id/EfqVdxLFgMdNvT1FytPCxOMBkAIKEd0IpC51N7izm2fOIg?e=AJP0w1
Thank You