I used netcfg -d in an elevated Command Prompt and now my Wireless Network Adapter/WI-FI is not working. How do I fix this?

I used Solutions 2 and 3 from this site.



Thank you for posting your query on Microsoft Community.


I understand that you are facing issues with Windows 10. I apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.

The issue could occur if wireless network is disabled.


To assist you better, please provide us the below information:

  • Are you able to connect to the wired internet connection?
  • When you say that "I used netcfg -d in an elevated Command Prompt", for what exact issue that you have tried to perform the above command? Are you getting error message "Network Protocol Missing " on the computer? 


Refer to the below methods and check if it helps.


Method 1: I suggest you to run the Network adapter troubleshooter and check if it helps.

1. Click on Search bar.

2. Type “Troubleshooting” without the quotes and click on Troubleshooting.

3. Click on View All on the left panel of the screen.

4. Then click on Network Adapter.

5. Then click on Next and follow the instructions.

If the issue still persist, refer to the below method.


Method 2: I recommend you to update the latest driver for wireless network adapter under the Device Manager.
1. Press Windows Key + R Key.
2. Then type “devmgmt.msc” without the quotes and hit on Enter Key.
3. Expand Network Adapter.
4. Right click on the wireless driver and click on Update driver software.

Reply to us with the information, so that we can assist you better.

Let us know if you need any further assistance on Windows related issues and we will be glad to help. 

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Question Info

Last updated February 10, 2025 Views 8,719 Applies to: