I cant sign in after adding new email

Ive had a microsoft account with my stupid childish email before deciding to make a new one with an email that wasnt childish
I then realized a few months later that microsoft had the ability to change primary emails, so i requested the new account with non childish email to be deleted
Later after the deletion period i added that new email to my current account and decided to make it primary and use it.
Instead... i now can no longer log into any microsoft/xbox services with any email or phone i try.
This happens ONLY on windows as i can still log into the website just fine.

Was on windows 10 21h1...? Now on windows 11 whatever newest because it asked me to (22h2...?)

Ever since ive added a new email to my account since my account was created using my stupid old childish email, signing in has been a pain.

I can not use my new email to sign in because it says "That Microsoft account doesn't exist. Enter a different account or get a new one."

my phone number gave me this error code - 0x80048823

Using my old email works only half the time and sometimes there would be another error... saying "We couldn't sign you in

Then displaying my new email I set

With a message in yellow saying "An Illegal state change was requested."

Is there any higher up microsoft person who can deal with this internally?
Im not sure theres anything that can be done by me...

Hi Pixelily. I'm Greg, 10 years awarded Windows MVP and Volunteer Moderator, here to help you.

Besides adding a new primary Email, one must also change the Windows Microsoft Account to the new Primary email or add it as a new Admin account.

To change your existing account sign into it and go to Settings > Accounts > Your Info and choose Sign in with a Local Account Instead. Let it convert. Restart PC and go back to the same place where the link should now read Sign in with a MS Account instead to add the new Primary email address.

If this doesn't work then you can create a new Admin account for the Primary email address in Settings > Accounts > Family & Other Users > Other Users, make it an Admin account:

Feel free to ask back any questions. Based on detailed results you post back I will have other suggestions if necessary.

Standard Disclaimer: There are links to non-Microsoft websites. The pages appear to be providing accurate, safe information. Watch out for ads on the sites that may advertise products frequently classified as a PUP (Potentially Unwanted Products). Thoroughly research any product advertised on the sites before you decide to download and install it.
Retired 2023, thirteen year daily forums volunteer, Windows MVP 2010-2020

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Last updated June 23, 2024 Views 730 Applies to: