I have a VOX AMP that has a USB connection uses a KORG USB midi driver.
The connection has to be made within the old 10-MIDI-port-limitation, otherwise the AMP is not seen by the KORG Tone Room software.
Now strange things (?) happen on my Windows 10 system.
The driver always gets installed to the 11th port (mid10 or higher), though the ports mid1-mid9 are still available and not taken by any other device.
How can that happen?
How can I handle the situation, f.e. manually switch the AMP to use mid1-mid9 for the connection?
Thx in advance for every hint.
Best, Adrian
What is with mid1-mid9?
Why is (always) mid10 used for the VOX?
***Original title: Strange MIDI-port problem (10-port-limitation-related)***