How to Open Compressed file in .Rar + 7-zip

Hi to everybody,

during the last few days I received two files that I was not able to open with my Win 8.1, that is:

- a file in .7z, which I had never heard before;

- a file in .rar

The strange thing is that I do can open normal file in .zip.

So, my question is: Do you have any FOC program to recommend me for the above requirements?

I tried to download a program suggested by eHow named Extract Now, but it it was more pain than gain (and that I uninstalled immediately...), because, apart from not being able to open the Rar File, it also came with a series of other programs which had nothing to see with my problem...)

Looking forward to yr reply



The .7z file is specifically a 7-Zip file, and you will most likely need 7-Zip to open \extract it.


There is a free version of 7-Zip available...


This will also open\extract your RAR file...


You may not see a icon on the file right away... you may need to right click on it and select OPEN WITH, and then select 7-Zip... If you reboot first, this might not be a problem, as 7-Zip will assign itself to the file type, or you can do so manually...

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Question Info

Last updated December 31, 2023 Views 13,076 Applies to: