I will be glad to help you with the issue you have with the computer. I understand the frustration when things don't work the way it should.
I would suggest you to try installing the drivers in compatibility mode and check if that helps.
Please refer to the following Microsoft help article given below and check if that helps.
Make older programs compatible with this version of Windows,
please follow the steps in the link provided below.
Note: Most programs created for earlier versions of Windows will work in this version of Windows, but some older programs might run poorly or not at all. You can run the Program
Compatibility Troubleshooter on most programs to detect and fix common compatibility problems.
Important: Don’t run the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter on antivirus programs, firewall software, backup software, disk utilities, or on system programs that came with
Windows. This might cause data loss or create a security risk.
You may also try the following steps and check if that help.
To install the drivers in compatibility mode:
Right click on the setup file of the driver and select
Select Compatibility Tab
Place a check mark next to Run this program in Compatibility mode and select the operating system accordingly from the drop down list
Let the driver to install and then check the functionality.