The title is pretty self-explanatory but I'll repeat it.
When I type cmd in the windows search bar I get a small window that pops down really quick. After that file explorer opens up. when I press WIN+R and type in CMD it does the same. When I open cmd with powershell I do get to see what it says. See image.
This is what popus up when I open CMD in powershell and this is the same message I get when I try to open a terminal in lets say visual studio code.
I guess cmd runs the explorer command immediatly when it opens but I have no clue how this happend.
I thought it might be a virus for some odd reason, because I literally can't think of anything else so my antivirus is scanning atm.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Also, When I restarted my PC and ran CMD again it ran some lines of commands but I was to baffled to take a screenshot next time when I restart I'll screenshot it because it ran slow enough to take a screenshot of.