F5 key suddenly not working

So.. I got a curios problem.
My F5 key doesn't work any more. Or does it?

I have a Logitech G910 Keyboard.

When hitting the key alone. Nothing happens. Neither LGS (Logitech Gaming Software - aka the driver software) nor Windows or any other program seem to notice.
But when using a key combination, the keystroke is noticed. For example in Firefox: Ctrl + F5 is working.

I tried the F5 on this keyboard on different devices and on all the others it seems to work just fine.

Does anyone know what can cause such problem?

I am currently on Windows 10 1809.

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Hi AlexHuebi ,
I am Vijay, an Independent Advisor. I am here to work with you on this problem.

Please check whether you need to press Fn key before pressing F5.

Do let me know if you require any further help on this. Will be glad to help you.
Sincerely yours,
Vijay A. Verma | Blogging @ https://excelbianalytics.com | Linkedin @ https://www.linkedin.com/in/excelbi/

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Within the SetPoint/Logitech Options software there should be a setting to swap the F buttons so you can either require holding down The function key + the F1-12 of your choice or to just press the F1-12 key alone.
I use a K400 keyboard which uses the SetPoint software & this is a setting within that.
Virginia - Time Lady.

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Well... I cannot press the Fn key, simply because there isn't one. Also all the other F-Keys are working fine.

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This keyboard doesn't have any Fn-Keys. So that would be a problem. Also that is a "Gaming" Keyboard. So SetPoint doesn'trecognizeit. And there aren't any settings in the LGS that would be helpful.

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Try this:
Open start menu located on your taskbar.
2. Right-click "Computer" and open "Manage".
3. At the left, under "computer management", you find "Services and Applications". Open it and select "Services".
4. Search for a service named "HID (Human Interface Device)" (or something VERY similiar).
5. Once found, check the status. If the value is not "Started", start it.
6. To make sure it will be on also in the future, check the Startup Type value. If not "Automatic", right click it, and select properties.
7. Under the tab "General", change the Startup type to Automatic.
8. Apply and close.
Have you tried uninstalling all Logitech software, unplugging the keyboard then downloading a fresh version, reinstalling the software & reconnecting the keyboard?
Virginia - Time Lady.

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It may also be that particular key is broken or has dirt underneath.
Virginia - Time Lady.

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It may also be that particular key is broken or has dirt underneath.
Also thought of that, but that also woudn't explain why the F5-key works as a keycombo.. (eg. strg-f5)

trying right now to reinstall the software.

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Have you tried uninstalling all Logitech software, unplugging the keyboard then downloading a fresh version, reinstalling the software & reconnecting the keyboard?

I was fiddeling around with the onscreen keyboard while doing so and found out that the onscreen keyboard also suffers from the same problem.


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If you can log into Windows:
To repair Windows without losing any data then you can try an in place upgrade repair:
This will also upgrade you to the latest version of Windows - currently 1809.

Note: This is a non-Microsoft website. The page appears to be providing accurate, safe information. Watch out for ads on the site that may advertise products frequently classified as a PUP (Potentially Unwanted Products). Thoroughly research any product advertised on the site before you decide to download and install it.
Virginia - Time Lady.

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Please try these options one by one and check after each option.

1. Till your problem is resolved and you need to do urgent and limited typing, use Onscreen Keyboard - Type OSK in Windows Start Search Box (Cortana) > Click On-Screen Keyboard

2. Run Keyboard Troubleshooter
Type Troubleshoot in Windows Start Search box > Click Troubleshoot > Scroll down and click Keyboard > Run the troubleshooter > Follow onscreen directions

3. Uninstall & reinstall Keyboard Driver
Windows Key+X (Or right click on Start) > Click Device Manager > Expand Keyboards > Right click on Standard PS/2 Keyboard > Uninstall > Reboot the computer to reinstall

4: Turn off filter keys in Ease of Access
Type ease in Windows Start Search box > Click Ease of Access > Click Make the Keyboard easier to use > Ensure Turn on filter Keys is not checked

Source - https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17417/...

Do let me know if you require any further help on this. Will be glad to help you.
Sincerely yours,
Vijay A. Verma | Blogging @ https://excelbianalytics.com | Linkedin @ https://www.linkedin.com/in/excelbi/

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