Error 0x80070006. Cannot install new apps

Updating existing apps work fine but installing new apps does not work. I have five apps that won't install and show the same error message: "Something went wrong. The error code is 0x80070006 in case you need it." This error code seems rare in relation to windows store apps (based on my search results).

I have tried the windows store reset, enabled location etc. Am running latest windows 10 preview on my Dell Venue 8 Pro.

I am very frustrated and spent far too much time researching and experimenting on fixes, to no avail.


I have similar situation.

What I discovered is that one of the problem is due to inserting micros or sdcard.

I just did error checking for this microsd card.

from windows explorer, right click on sdcard drive, choose property, than find 'tools' tab. click on error checking, follow through instruction and done.

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Question Info

Last updated December 12, 2023 Views 5,520 Applies to: