dxdiag wont recognize all my ram i put in please read the whole question

ok i had 16 gb of RAM i added another 16 gb, in my bios is says i have 32 gb and in system information good but dxdiag only sees 16 gb and i herd the dxdiag is the real deal. my motherboard is comparable with up to 32 gbs.  there both the same speed. i have a asus fx505dv. please help my dxdiag to recognize all my ram.



Thank you for writing to Microsoft Community Forums.


I understand that you are unable to see full RAM in dxdiag. I’ll certainly assist you with the issue.


However, please let us know:


  • When you say “dxdiag won’t recognize all my ram”, are you referring to the information in the System tab or the Display tab?

  • Are you referring to the memory in the System tab or the Approx. total memory from the Display tab?

  • Are you able to see the full RAM in the System Information page? To check type msinfo32 in the search bar on the Taskbar and hit Enter.

  • Which build version of Windows 10 is installed on the computer? Refer Which version of Windows operating system am I running?


You may also want to share a screenshot, so that we can get a better clarity on this. Please refer how to include a screenshot in your post to upload the screenshot.


Note: Make sure you don’t capture any personal information while taking the screenshot.


I would suggest you to check if the Windows Management Instrumentation service is running properly. To check refer the steps mentioned below:


  1. Press Windows logo key + R, to open Run dialog box.
  2. Type services.msc and click on OK.
  3. Scroll down, look for Windows Management Instrumentation service, and check if the service is running.
  4. If the service is not running then, right click on the service and click on Properties.
  5. Now, select Automatic from the drop down for Startup type.
  6. Click on Start to start the service and click on OK.
  7. Restart the computer.


Let us know how it goes.



Nikhar Khare

Microsoft Community - Moderator

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Question Info

Last updated August 14, 2023 Views 909 Applies to: