The Media Creation Tool may or may not do what you need it to do as far as creating a Installation USB Flash Drive goes..
For instance... It can create media for the machine that it was run on, and not specifically for the machine that the media is intended for, and may not be compatible...
I have encountered a number of threads in which the Flash Drive created by the Media Creation process would not work with a UEFI Bios machine... And other times it does.
If you use the Media Creation Tool to simply download a ISO, the ISO can be put on media specifically for the intended machine using RUFUS for instance... And is therefore usable for any machine simply by reburning it to media..
At one time this was not a problem, but with the emergence of UEFI Bios machines, there was a bit of a wrench thrown into the works...
Legacy Bios machines require the HDD\SSD to be MBR type, and NTFS File structure...
The same applies to a Installation Flash Drive...
UEFI Bios machines require the HDD\SSD to be GPT type, and NTFS File structure...
A wrinkle for the installation media on a Flash Drive is that the Flash Drive needs to be GPT type... same as the HDD\SSD, but needs to use FAT32 File type...
If these criterial are not met, the installation will fail...
In addition... The installation process in UEFI machines can vary due to different Bios requirements as to how the Installation media is loaded... Some automatically detect the UEFI installation based on the GPT\FAT32 Flash Drive, and others require it to
be determined by a "Boot Options " selection..
BTW... Just dragging the relevant files onto a Flash Drive may or may not work..
I have had mixed success with this as far as the media being bootable is concerned..
Also... The Windows 7 Tool mentioned in another reply will in fact create a flash drive for Windows 10, but only for Legacy Bios machines... It does not have an option for selecting MBR\GPT\FAT32, etc... Strictly MBR\NTFS only...