Dead Hard drive, how can I get Windows 10 pro on the new one?

My hard drive stopped working.

Ive got a replacement, but i dont know how to get windows 10 on the new internal drive.

i cant get anything off the old drive. Its a brick.

All other hardware is working fine, ive still got the same motherboard, processor, etc.

i dont have my key written down. How can i recover it, as i understand its tied to my motherboard.

Thank you for any help.

Hi, BenBaker990!

My name is Caio. I'm an Independent Advisor and I'll be glad to help you today.

Since you got Windows 10 OEM (attached to your motherboard), all you need is to install Windows on your new hard drive. Just make sure you're installing the same version that you have before, I mean, if you had Windows 10 Home, install Windows 10 Home, if you had Windows 10 Pro, install Windows 10 Pro.

All you need is install Windows using Media Creation Tool (you can get it at and then during Windows installation, when it asks for the key, just skip and select the option I am Reinstalling Windows 10 on this PC

You can get more this information about this moving process and more at

I hope this helps you! Please let me know if I can assist you more.

Best regards,

Caio G.
Independent Advisor

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Last updated May 17, 2021 Views 15 Applies to: