Cannot turn off firewall to download Adobe Flash Player.

Original title: I can not turn off my fire wall

I am trying to turn my mcafee firewall, so I went to my control panel and clicked the systems security and then tried to click the turn windows firewall on off and nothing opened or did anything happen, so I was unable to turn it off. The reason I was attempting to turn it off is so that I can download the adobie flash player that I have had trouble downloading. Any assist is much appreciated.  

Disregard the advice from Praseetha K Nair who misunderstood the issue and is recommending inappropriate actions.

To turn off your McAfee firewall you need to open the McAfee program and do it there, NOT by Windows firewall settings from Control Panel.  Make sure you re-enable it again.  It would be better to configure it properly to allow the Flash update rather than temporarily disabling it.

You could also try to download the offline Adobe Flash Player Installation and run it that way.
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Last updated August 27, 2022 Views 3,116 Applies to: