First I do not work or speak for Microsoft and what I say I have done on my pc's.
Every pc is different so things can go wrong that have not happened to me.
1) Ensure fans in pc are running when pc is on. IF they are I would have thermal paste on CPU replaced.
If PC is prebuilt it could have been on shelf for long time so paste could be bad.
After CPU thermal paste is changed do the following steps.
2) Open Command Prompt as admin.
3) run the following command: Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
Let is finish and then do next step
4) run in command prompt: Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
Let it finish and do next step
5) run in command prompt: Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
When step 5 finishes it should say found and fixed items.
Restart pc and windows errors should be gone.
Make sure the user always shuts down windows using shutdown and not switching off pc or issues will come back.
IF BSOD returns ensure the fans are running when pc is on.
Also might try changing the thermal paste on CPU.
Hope it helps