Hello there,
I have problems with my Windows 11 PC since a couple of weeks. Some videogames still get around 100FPS but there is a visible stuttering when playing those games. And sometimes I have a Blue Screen error with different reasons. I did update my Nvidia drivers and all Windows updates. I also did a 4 passes MemTest86 without one single error.
This is the link to my minidumps https://wetransfer.com/downloads/415b2201fa3f6699efeb7acc0b93646c20250312230503/ee90c4e466a72b329d4ff76d723dadd120250312230518/e46972?t_exp=1742079903&t_lsid=b89500bb-96e1-4927-bc96-6e2703ab0077&t_network=email&t_rid=ZW1haWx8YWRyb2l0fGNiYjNlNDkyLTA4NGUtNGEyMS1hYjU0LWU5MGYzOTE2NTEzMw%3D%3D&t_s=download_link&t_ts=1741820718&utm_campaign=TRN_TDL_01&utm_source=sendgrid&utm_medium=email&trk=TRN_TDL_01
I hope someone can help me out and if you need more information, let me know!