Access Denied from

I got errors below when I access

My department have own internet connection to ISP with fixed IP.

Every computers on my department LAN have same issue.

I cleared browsing and cached data from browser and still the same issue.

If change to company's internet proxy to access internet, it works from my computers

and works from all computers on my department LAN with company's intenet proxy .

May be my department internet gateway IP address is in blacklist of website.

I tried to contact Microsoft staff in my country but they can't help me about this issue.

Could you please help us to solve this issue? 

Thank you.

[Moved from: Microsoft Edge / Website issues / Windows 10]

Hello Maethee,

It is possible that the current network configuration of your company is blocking the Microsoft website. That being said, I highly recommend contacting the IT administrator of your company to request to exclude the website from the blocked sites.

Let me know if you have other questions.

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Hello Maethee,

It is possible that the current network configuration of your company is blocking the Microsoft website. That being said, I highly recommend contacting the IT administrator of your company to request to exclude the website from the blocked sites.

Let me know if you have other questions.

Hello Devlin

Thank you for you reply. I'm network administrator of my department.

Internet gateway that have this issue is in my responsibility.

I tried to remove firewall and connect to ISP directly the problem still occurred.

I can reach to "" web server through port 80 and 443 properly by telnet command.

I think Access Denied response by the web server.

I talked to my ISP about this issue. My ISP tested with another public IP in same address pool of my IP. It's work properly except my IP.

So I think my IP address was blacklist for

Could you please help us to solve this issue? 

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Thank you for that information, Maethee. The issue your experiencing with accessing the Microsoft web page is possibly caused by a misconfiguration with the advanced network settings. That being said, I highly recommend posting your issue in the TechNet forums. This forum is a community composed of IT professionals who can assist you with the complexity of your concern. Please make sure to sign in with a Microsoft account in order to track your post. You can post the issue in the TechNet - Windows 10 Networking forum.

Feel free to post back for other Windows concerns.

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Question Info

Last updated April 3, 2024 Views 984 Applies to: