Letter of Complaint

Dear Mr. Bill Gates,  

It is with the uttermost respect for Microsoft as a top MNC in the world that I am writing this mail. 

As your front-lineTier 1, 2, 3 and Peer-to-Peer managers are not empowered to make the decision, I am writing to you or someone who can decide on an amicable resolution. 

New Surface Laptop 

I like the elegant design of the Microsoft Surface laptop. As I recognized Microsoft as a great brand name, I did not hesitate to purchase it, even without reading any review about the product (with much regrets).    

It is unfortunate that when I started using and put the laptop on my lap when I found it scorching my skins. I happened to be with a group of friends, and they were all surprised of the amount of heat generated. To prevent it from scorching me further, I had to put the laptop sleeve below it when I used it after the incident. 

When I spoke to a Microsoft retail staff, I was told that Microsoft does not have a service center in Singapore. I could raise a ticket and the service center might grant an exchange for a refurbished set. Having paid a premium price,I was very reluctant to exchange my new laptop for a refurbished set.  However, the issue of the heat generated and burning my skins bothered me greatly. 

When I eventually contacted the call center on 9 Aug 2019, I was asked to perform a series of tests and generate various reports, which took up a lot of my time. I was told to return my laptop in exchange for a refurbished set. With much reluctant, I proceeded after the agent assured me that the refurbished set would have gone through many stringent tests. 

First refurbished set 

To my great disappointment, the refurbished set has the same heat problem. I was asked to try different ways of resetting the laptop over a couple of nights, and eventually, the laptop crashed even when I followed the steps closely. When I found out from the various blogs about the heat problem, my confidence in the product was greatly affected. 

When the service center offered me another refurbished set, I told them that I have already spent many my nights and weekends trying to sort out the laptop problem. I was given the assurance that the second refurbished set would be tested before Microsoft sent it to me. I told your staff that in all fairness to me I would want a refund if the second set does not work. 

Second refurbished set 

I was very hopeful when I started setting up the laptop. However, it was very short-lived. It generated much more heat compared to the previous 2 laptops. 

I have cooperated in diligently following the instructions and doing all the necessary that I know-how. I realized that the case which was started on 9 Aug 2019, was closed several times and new requests were generated in the system. I have to repeat my case to now more than a dozen agents and spending at least 45 mins or more in each situation going through the case. I had also written numerous emails asking for a resolution and I was directed again and again to provide more information. 


The Tier 1 manager told me he only has the authority to grant replacement for a refurbished set. 

The Tier 2 staff asked me to explain to him my case all over again and informed me that the case was escalated to Tier 3. 

I learned from the Tier 1 manager, that the Tier 3 staff replied that there is no refund policy for purchases in Singapore. I found it difficult to accept this, as Microsoft is one of the largest companies in the world, with the AP office in Singapore, and a refund cannot be done in Singapore. The contradiction was I was told, a refund will only be granted within the first 30 days. If I have known, I will have done so much earlier. 



I spoke to Tier 1 manager again on 29 Sep and was told that if I wish I can send back the second refurbished set for another refurnished set. Apparently, even if I agreed to the third replacement and it does not work, your staff is not empowered to make an S$2000 over dollars refund decision. 

I also spent another hour with a Tier 1 agent this morning on 5 Oct, and another 30 minutes with the Tier 2 Technical Specialist, and was told to accept another refurbished set.... 

I hope that you can empathize with me as a consumer. I have been very cooperative and had already spent so much time on the issue since 9 Aug and it is already 2 months. Yet, the answer given to me is, there will not be any refund and I ‘just have to accept it (whether it works or not)’. 

As I have already spent many nights and weekends trying to resolve this issue and I see it going nowhere. I have requested them to escalate my case to higher authority that can make a decision. The amount of time spent by your staff on this case and the courier service might have cost much more. I am just a consumer, who had paid a high price with the expectation that it is a high-quality premium product.  

I mentioned to your staff that I do not wish to put Microsoft, which I highly respect in a bad light. Unfortunately, they are not empowered to make a decision and has to let the case drags on. I do not know how much longer the case will go on, and I sincerely hope that you or a senior staff will review through the case notes and conversation recordings, and provide an amicable resolution to refund me the money I paid and let life moves on.  

With due respect from a highly frustrated customer. 



Dear Mr. Bill Gate,  

It is with the uttermost respect for Microsoft as a top MNC in the world that I am writing this mail. 

As your front-lineTier 1, 2, 3 and Peer-to-Peer managers are not empowered to make the decision, I am writing to you or someone who can decide on an amicable resolution. 

New Surface Laptop 

I like the elegant design of the Microsoft Surface laptop. As I recognized Microsoft as a great brand name, I did not hesitate to purchase it, even without reading any review about the product (with much regrets).    

It is unfortunate that when I started using and put the laptop on my lap when I found it scorching my skins. I happened to be with a group of friends, and they were all surprised of the amount of heat generated. To prevent it from scorching me further, I had to put the laptop sleeve below it when I used it after the incident. 

When I spoke to a Microsoft retail staff, I was told that Microsoft does not have a service center in Singapore. I could raise a ticket and the service center might grant an exchange for a refurbished set. Having paid a premium price,I was very reluctant to exchange my new laptop for a refurbished set.  However, the issue of the heat generated and burning my skins bothered me greatly. 

When I eventually contacted the call center on 9 Aug 2019, I was asked to perform a series of tests and generate various reports, which took up a lot of my time. I was told to return my laptop in exchange for a refurbished set. With much reluctant, I proceeded after the agent assured me that the refurbished set would have gone through many stringent tests. 

First refurbished set 

To my great disappointment, the refurbished set has the same heat problem. I was asked to try different ways of resetting the laptop over a couple of nights, and eventually, the laptop crashed even when I followed the steps closely. When I found out from the various blogs about the heat problem, my confidence in the product was greatly affected. 

When the service center offered me another refurbished set, I told them that I have already spent many my nights and weekends trying to sort out the laptop problem. I was given the assurance that the second refurbished set would be tested before Microsoft sent it to me. I told your staff that in all fairness to me I would want a refund if the second set does not work. 

Second refurbished set 

I was very hopeful when I started setting up the laptop. However, it was very short-lived. It generated much more heat compared to the previous 2 laptops. 

I have cooperated in diligently following the instructions and doing all the necessary that I know-how. I realized that the case which was started on 9 Aug 2019, was closed several times and new requests were generated in the system. I have to repeat my case to now more than a dozen agents and spending at least 45 mins or more in each situation going through the case. I had also written numerous emails asking for a resolution and I was directed again and again to provide more information. 


The Tier 1 manager told me he only has the authority to grant replacement for a refurbished set. 

The Tier 2 staff asked me to explain to him my case all over again and informed me that the case was escalated to Tier 3. 

I learned from the Tier 1 manager, that the Tier 3 staff replied that there is no refund policy for purchases in Singapore. I found it difficult to accept this, as Microsoft is one of the largest companies in the world, with the AP office in Singapore, and a refund cannot be done in Singapore. The contradiction was I was told, a refund will only be granted within the first 30 days. If I have known, I will have done so much earlier. 



I spoke to Tier 1 manager again on 29 Sep and was told that if I wish I can send back the second refurbished set for another refurnished set. Apparently, even if I agreed to the third replacement and it does not work, your staff is not empowered to make an S$2000 over dollars refund decision. 

I also spent another hour with a Tier 1 agent this morning on 5 Oct, and another 30 minutes with the Tier 2 Technical Specialist, and was told to accept another refurbished set.... 

I hope that you can empathize with me as a consumer. I have been very cooperative and had already spent so much time on the issue since 9 Aug and it is already 2 months. Yet, the answer given to me is, there will not be any refund and I ‘just have to accept it (whether it works or not)’. 

As I have already spent many nights and weekends trying to resolve this issue and I see it going nowhere. I have requested them to escalate my case to higher authority that can make a decision. The amount of time spent by your staff on this case and the courier service might have cost much more. I am just a consumer, who had paid a high price with the expectation that it is a high-quality premium product.  

I mentioned to your staff that I do not wish to put Microsoft, which I highly respect in a bad light. Unfortunately, they are not empowered to make a decision and has to let the case drags on. I do not know how much longer the case will go on, and I sincerely hope that you or a senior staff will review through the case notes and conversation recordings, and provide an amicable resolution to refund me the money I paid and let life moves on.  

With due respect from a highly frustrated customer. 



Hi JC88888,

Thanks for reaching Microsoft Surface Community. I'm sorry to hear with regards on your case. This is not the experience that we want you to have. We would like to dig deep into this concern of yours to have this review. I'll be leaving you a private message, looking for your response from there.



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Hi Edgar,

Thank you for your prompt response to my feedback.

I have just forwarded my letter of complaint to your CEO and Senior Leadership Team before your response. 

I hope that you or your appointed staff will listen through all the conversations and read all the correspondences that I had with all your staff. 

It has been 2 months by now, and nobody on the ground can solve a simple problem. It is so amazing that it seems that I am more concerned about the brand name of Microsoft than your staff. I even informed them that I will be seeking redress and they mentioned I could proceed if I wish. :(

I hope to have a favorable reply from Microsoft soon.



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Hi JC88888,

Scarlett Miller42 has replied to your question Letter of Complaint in Microsoft Community.

 Thank You For Posting in  Microsoft Community. Call Microsoft online support *removed scammer phone number* . We will Help you to fix your Issues.

Hi Scarlett, thank you for your offer to fix my issues. 

I have already spoken to a dozen agents telling me the same thing. 

I am in Singapore, will you be able to arrange for a call back from 6:30 to 9 pm (GMT+8)?



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Hi Edgar,

Thank you for your prompt response to my feedback.

I have just forwarded my letter of complaint to your CEO and Senior Leadership Team before your response. 

I hope that you or your appointed staff will listen through all the conversations and read all the correspondences that I had with all your staff. 

It has been 2 months by now, and nobody on the ground can solve a simple problem. It is so amazing that it seems that I am more concerned about the brand name of Microsoft than your staff. I even informed them that I will be seeking redress and they mentioned I could proceed if I wish. :(

I hope to have a favorable reply from Microsoft soon.




I'm sorry, I was not able to send out the Private message that I was telling you. Kindly check on it. Looking forward on your response there.



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Hi Edgar,

Thank you for your prompt response to my feedback.

I have just forwarded my letter of complaint to your CEO and Senior Leadership Team before your response. 

I hope that you or your appointed staff will listen through all the conversations and read all the correspondences that I had with all your staff. 

It has been 2 months by now, and nobody on the ground can solve a simple problem. It is so amazing that it seems that I am more concerned about the brand name of Microsoft than your staff. I even informed them that I will be seeking redress and they mentioned I could proceed if I wish. :(

I hope to have a favorable reply from Microsoft soon.




I'm sorry, I was not able to send out the Private message that I was telling you. Kindly check on it. Looking forward on your response there.



Hi Edgar, 

When I clicked on the link, it directed me back to this page. Kindly advise what I should do next.



Hi Edgar,

I managed to send you the information you requested via the link using the laptop.



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Hi Edgar,

Thank you for your prompt response to my feedback.

I have just forwarded my letter of complaint to your CEO and Senior Leadership Team before your response. 

I hope that you or your appointed staff will listen through all the conversations and read all the correspondences that I had with all your staff. 

It has been 2 months by now, and nobody on the ground can solve a simple problem. It is so amazing that it seems that I am more concerned about the brand name of Microsoft than your staff. I even informed them that I will be seeking redress and they mentioned I could proceed if I wish. :(

I hope to have a favorable reply from Microsoft soon.



Dear Mr. Bill Gates,

I was very hopeful when your corporate staff investigated my case.

Instead of a resolution, I was brought through another round of spin actions that had lasted for another 3 weeks. During this period I have sent your staff photos of scorched marks when I placed the laptop on my lap just for a couple of minutes. To my amazement, your staff sent me the article https://support.microsoft.com/help/4023454/safety-information to inform me that the device can generate a lot of heat and I should be careful not to get myself scorched.

I have been using a laptop for many years by now, and I put it on my lap to use it at least twice a week, because in these meetings there is no table for me to put the laptop. The reality is the Microsoft Surface Laptop is the first laptop that I have that have this heat problem and it has scorched my lap several times. It is a known safety hazard at least for me.

I was offered another refurbished laptop and she said that it will not guarantee that it will solve the problem, and she will proceed to close the case.

I was again very hopeful when I received the refurbished laptop this evening. However, it was again very short lived. It just started to get extremely hot when I tried to set it up. I can feel the heat on the keyboard as well. I have already spent more then an hour on it, it is extremely agonizing for me as a consumer, since it started on 9 Aug 2019.

This is already the 4th set, I am just wondering what is Microsoft going to do next?

Please kindly advise.


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I downloaded a software to measure the temperature and I was shocked that the temperature is so high. 

I just received an email from Microsoft that there is no other option and she will close the case.

Microsoft is known to be a socially responsible company, I hope a senior staff will look into this matter and not leave the consumer in a state of dilemma.


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It is most upsetting when I was told that there is nothing else that Microsoft can do and the case is closed. 


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It is most upsetting when I was told that there is nothing else that Microsoft can do and the case is closed. 


Hi JC88888,

Thanks for your patience. Since this is already escalated, we highly recommend to keep in touch with them.



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Last updated September 24, 2022 Views 308 Applies to: